400 day,s clock
Glass pendule
Glass pendule
18 century Louis 16 pendulum clock by Lepaute with date
Louis 15 Clockset
Louis 16 Lyra pendulum clock
Lyra pendulum clock
Napoleon III Gilded bronze and Sevres porcelain clockset
Gilded bronze and Sevres porcelain clockset
Louis 15 Clockset in gilded bronze "Compagnie des bronze Bruxelles"
Clockset in gilded bronze "Compagnie des bronze Bruxelles"
Napoleon 3 Cartel clock with console with tortoise shell marquetry
Cartel clock with console with tortoise shell marquetry
Art-deco 3 pieces clockset
3 pieces clockset
Miniature clock with precious stones and enamel
Miniature clock with precious stones and enamel
Miniature clock with musical box and precious stones, enamel
Miniature clock with musical box and precious stones, enamel
A Sienna marble and gilded bronze clock around 1900.
Empire Miniature pendule clock with a lady and child
Miniature pendule clock with a lady and child
Renaisence Pendule
Empire Pendule
Belle epque Pendule with cloisonné
Pendule with cloisonné
Charles X restauration Pendule clock "bibliothéque"
Pendule clock "bibliothéque"
Napoleon III Glass pendule clock with cloisonné champleuve
Glass pendule clock with cloisonné champleuve
€ glass pendule clock with cloisonné champleuve
Napoleon III cage clock by L.Leroy & Cie à Paris
Cage clock by L.Leroy & Cie à Paris
Napoleon III Clockset with Sevrés porcelain
Clockset with Sevrés porcelain
Napoleon III Boulle styl cartel clock
Boulle styl cartel clock
Louis Philippe Clock pendule
Clock pendule
Liége Regénce Grandfather clock
Grandfather clock
Electric bulle clock with Chinoisery
Electric bulle clock with Chinoisery
Hunting Brienzer - black forest clockset
Brienzer - black forest clockset
Louis Philippe Gilded clock
Gilded clock
Travel clock
Travel clock
French comtoise clock
Louis 16 Clock
€ Sold
high 72cm
Empire clock signes Thomire
Julien le Roy
Empire clock
Louis 15 Boulle cartel
Boulle cartel
Empire Clockset
Napoleon III Clockset with cloisonnée champleuve
Clockset with cloisonnée champleuve
Napoleon III Boulle Cartel with tortoiseshell
Boulle Cartel with tortoiseshell
Napoleon III - Louis 16 Huge clock with putto,s by Boursier,eléve de Lepaute à Paris
Huge clock with putto,s by Boursier,eléve de Lepaute à Paris
Napoleon III Boulle clock
Boulle clock
Napoleon III Boulle Marquetry Inlaid Bombe Long Case grandfather Clock
Boulle Marquetry Inlaid Bombe Long Case grandfather Clock
Empire/Restoration pendule with a lady
Pendule with a lady
Napoleon III Huge clockset with hunter
Huge clockset with hunter
Napoleon III Clock pendule with Sévres porcelain
Clock pendule with Sévres porcelain
Napoleon III Clockset with romantic scenes
Clockset with romantic scenes
Napoleon III cloisonné Clockset with putti,s
Cloisonné Clockset with putti,s
Napoleon III Clockset with cloisonné and cherub
Clockset with cloisonné and cherub
Louis 16 Cartel wall clock
Cartel wall clock
Napoleon III Clockset
Louis 16 Clockset with cherub
Clockset with cherub
Napoleon 3 cartel Clock
cartel Clock
Napoleon III 3 pieces clockset
3 pieces clockset
Napoleon III Cartel with turtoiseshell inlay
Cartel with turtoiseshell inlay
Louis 15 huge Clock pendule signed Ernest Royer F. de bronze
Huge Clock pendule signed Ernest Royer F. de bronze
Louis 15 Clockset with putti,s Napoleon 3
Clockset with putti,s Napoleon 3
Empire Clock pendule
Clock pendule
Napoleon 3 Sun clock
Sun clock
Empire Gilded clock pendule with butterfly and child
Gilded clock pendule with butterfly and child
Asiatique Clock with ivory made by Hour Lavigne
Clock with ivory made by Hour Lavigne
Napoleon III mantel clock by Emile Colin
Mantel clock by Emile Colin
Louis 16 Clock
Napoleon 3 Huge 3 pieces clockset with angel and women in Louis 16 style
Huge 3 pieces clockset with angel and women in Louis 16 style