Huge church candelabra
Pair pique fleurs
Alabaster book stands with dogs
Nice bronze gilded inkwell by signed Ramboud and Susse Frères
Louis 16 Paravon room screen
Paravon room screen
boutcher table with marble top
Boutcher table with marble top
sunburst mirror
Sunburst mirror
Napoleon III Piano with Boulle marquetry
Piano with Boulle marquetry
1 Louis 15 Mirror
Hunting Black forest juwel box
Black forest juwel box
Hunting Huge deer
Huge deer
Persian Carpet
Asiatique Chinese broderie
Chinese broderie
Napoleon 3 Huge oval mirror with putti,s
Huge oval mirror with putti,s
Napoleon 3 Two urns on griot marble base
Two urns on griot marble base
Barock A sleigh transformed to a pair flower pots with dogs
A sleigh transformed to a pair flower pots with dogs
Asiatique Turning centerpiece
Turning centerpiece
Louis 15 Fire place screen
Fire place screen
Napoleon 3 Boulle "boite à jetons" box with tortoiseshel inlay
Boulle "boite à jetons" box with tortoiseshel inlay
Louis 15 Huge baldachin
Huge baldachin
Louis 16 Centerpiece with cherub
Centerpiece with cherub
Napoleon 3 A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra by H.Picard
A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra by H.Picard
Art-nouveau mirror
Hunting style Black forest sculpture
Black forest sculpture
Art-nouveau Pair candelabra in wrought iron stamped JH
Pair candelabra in wrought iron stamped JH
Napoleon III Box with bronze
Box with bronze
Louis 15 Pair fireplace inserts with cherubs putto,s
Pair fireplace inserts with cherubs putto,s
Asiatique Pair sculptures of birds
Pair sculptures of birds
Louis 16 Centerpiece coupe with etched crystal
Centerpiece coupe with etched crystal
centerpiece coupe
Centerpiece coupe
Hunting Barometer with animals and fruits
Barometer with animals and fruits
Empire candelabra ONLY AVAILABLE IN RUSSIA!!
Russian icon with silver
Russian icon with silver
Fountain complete made in bronze
Meiji Japanese bronze centerpiece
Japanese centerpiece
Louis 15 bronze Make-up or table mirror
Make-up or table mirror
Napoleon III Jardinaire stamped by Cie des bronze Bruxelles
Jardinaire stamped by Cie des bronze Bruxelles
Louis 16 Paravon roomscreen
Paravon roomscreen
Napoleon III Briefopener and stamp with enamel
Briefopener and stamp
Napoleon III Piedestal in bicolor marble
Piedestal in bicolor marble
Napoleon III Boulle mirror
Boulle mirror
juice jar
Juice jar
juice jar
Juice jar
Hunting Decorative carved and patinated wall sculpture
Decorative carved and patinated wall sculpture
Louis 16 Pedestal
22 "hunting trophee,s" Zeer mooie verzameling van jachttrofees
Zeer mooie verzameling van jachttrofees
1 Religious Church candelabra
Church candelabra
1 pair gilded bronze Louis 16 style Candelsticks/brulle parfum
Candelsticks/brulle parfum
Pair bronze Louis 16 candelabra
A pair bronze mirrors with candleholders.
A bronze Japanese vase.
A very nice huge Japanese bronze bowl.
A wooden carved head of a cow with natural horns.
€ 375 euro
A Japanese miniature furniture for thea.
A taxidermist of a deer.
A pair marble urns with gilded bronze NapIII
A gilded mirror with a dragon
bronze centerpiece with Vienna porcelaine plate
Guilded bronze and champleuve cloissoné centerpiece
€ Sold
Bronze gilded pair candelabra around 1850
A pair Asiatique ivory sculptures around 1880.
A nice Napoleon III black box with gilded bronze and porcelain by Giroux à Paris..
A pair bronze appliques with porcelain plates.
A amber and silver necklace 380 grams.
A huge silverplated and crystal bowl by WMF.
Rubens herdenkingmedailles
Rubens herdenkingmedailles
Napoleon III Jewel box with porcelain
Jewel box
Napoleon III display rack
Display rack
Louis 16 Fireplace screen
Fireplace screen
Louis 16 Pedestal
Renaisence Wall console
Wall console
Art-nouveau patinated bronze lamp with a bird
Patinated bronze lamp with a bird
Napoleon III Display tray
Display tray
Napoleon III Italian pietra dura plate with semi-precious stones in gilded frame
Italian pietra dura plate with semi-precious stones in gilded frame
Louis 16 Small centerpiece
Small centerpiece
Napoleon III Hand glove box with tortoiseshell inlay
Hand glove box with tortoiseshell inlay
Napoleon III Huge gilded oval mirror with putto,s
Huge gilded oval mirror with putto,s
Empire Pair candelabra
Pair candelabra
Bruegel Carved wooden panel of a party
Carved wooden panel of a party
Huge desk lighter Dupont
Huge desk lighter Dupont
Regence Piedestal in carved oak
Paire vases with cherubs
Paire vases with cherubs
Aziatisch Sculptuur van een os
Sculptuur van een os
alabaster sculpture
Louis 15 Silvered roccoco mirror
Silvered roccoco mirror
Napoleon III Centerpiece with cherubs
Centerpiece with cherubs
Louis 16 Gilded mirror
Gilded mirror
Huge Bell epoque centerpiece with cherubs
Huge centerpiece with cherubs
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe by A. Crokaert Bruxelles Schaerbeek
Centerpiece coupe by A. Crokaert Bruxelles Schaerbeek
Art-deco Pair oval mirrors
Pair oval mirrors
Russian silver icon with different stamps
Russian silver icon with different stamps
Napoleon 3 Oil lamp with gilded bronze
Oil lamp with gilded bronze
Louis 15 Gilded mirror with putto,s
Gilded mirror with putto,s
A Japanese bronze vase.
Napoleon 3 Centerpiece with a fisch
Centerpiece with a fisch
Napoleon 3 Centerpiece coupe with cloisonné
Centerpiece coupe with cloisonné
Louis 16 Pair urns
Pair urns
Napoleon III Make-up mirror with a monkey and cherubs
Make-up mirror with a monkey and cherubs
A paire bronze patinated urns with putto,s.
Napoleon 3 Cave à liqueur created with books
Cave à liqueur created with books
Louis 16 gilded mirror
Gilded mirror
Louis 16 huge Pair candelabra
Huge Pair candelabra
Asiatique Pair Japanese vases Meiji
Pair Japanese vases Meiji
Barok Pair small consoles with personages
Pair small consoles with personages
Belle epque Vienna cold painted bronze ald alabaster centerpiece coupe with birds
Vienna cold painted bronze ald alabaster centerpiece coupe with birds
Chinese 4 panel roomscreen
Chinese 4 panel roomscreen
Louis 16 Fire place screen
Fire place screen
Louis 16 Pair urns cassolets with heads of rams
Pair urns cassolets with heads of rams
Napoleon III Centerpiece