Louis 16 style paravon
Desk in carved walnut
Alabaster buste by Morin
Huge church candelabra
Napoleon III display cabinet
400 day,s clock
Chest of drawers
Liege oak wardrobe
Glass pendule
Glass pendule
Napoleon III cabinet with marquetry and fine quality gilded bronze
Bronze lamp with a putty
Italian 1 door walnut Cabinet with stained glass
Henry 2 Cabinet
Cabinet in Viardot style
VSL vase
Pair pique fleurs
Bronze sculpture cire perdu
Chinese silver
Alabaster book stands with dogs
Val Saint Lambert VSL
Gallé vase in multi layer glass
Huge pair Satsuma vases
Alabaster sculpture
18 century Louis 16 pendulum clock by Lepaute with date
Nice bronze gilded inkwell by signed Ramboud and Susse Frères
Bronze patinated buste of a lady by E.Villanis
Chinese porcelain vases
Secretary in Napoleon III style with nice quality of marquetry
Nice carved cabinet in oak

€ 375€

Louis 15 style chest of drawers in oak
Louis 15 Clockset


Asiatique Chinese stand table

Chinese stand table

Napoleon III 3 pairs of vases 56cm till 72cm and one centerpiece

3 pairs of vases 56cm till 72cm and one centerpiece

Louis 16 Paravon room screen

Paravon room screen

Val Saint Lambert Vase with danse de flore

Vase with danse de flore

Asiatique Huge cabinet from a temple

Huge cabinet from a temple

boutcher table with marble top

Boutcher table with marble top

Val Saint Lambert VSL vase

Val Saint Lambert VSL vase

Asiatique Japanese vase with scene in relief

Japanese vase with scene in relief

Louis 16 Armoire de mariage bruidskast

Armoire de mariage bruidskast

Louis 16 Lyra pendulum clock

Lyra pendulum clock

Napoleon III Pair chest of drawers with flowor marquetry and marble tops

Pair chest of drawers with flowor marquetry and marble tops

sunburst mirror

Sunburst mirror

buste of a child write in a book

Buste of a child write in a book

floor lamp with putti,s maison Jansen

Floor lamp with putti,s maison Jansen

Art-deco Lamp with pate de verre glass by Degué

Lamp with pate de verre glass by Degué

Napoleon III Set of 1 plate and 6 cups

Set of 1 plate and 6 cups

Louis 16 Solid silver box Altenloh Bruxelles

Solid silver box Altenloh Bruxelles

Napoleon III Gilded bronze and Sevres porcelain clockset

Gilded bronze and Sevres porcelain clockset

Napoleon III Sculpture of a boy who carries water

Sculpture of a boy who carries water

Louis 16 Cabinet with marquetry and porcelain plates

Cabinet with marquetry and porcelain plates

Louis 15 Display cabinet 1 door vitrine

Display cabinet 1 door vitrine

Napoleon III Desk or table with drawer and marquetry with bronzes

Desk or table with drawer and marquetry with bronzes

Louis 15 Nice carved screen

Nice carved screen

Louis 15 pair benches

Pair benches

Louis 15 Nice carved display cabinet

Nice carved display cabinet