Chinese silver
Louis 16 Solid silver box Altenloh Bruxelles
Solid silver box Altenloh Bruxelles
Russian plate 448grams
Russian plate 448grams
Asiatique Huge bowl 1785gr silver marked Habi
Huge bowl 1785gr silver marked Habi
Tiffany & co 925 sterling silver bowl
Tiffany & co 925 sterling silver bowl
silver Centerpiece
Silver Centerpiece
Louis 15 silver Centerpiece 610g
Silver Centerpiece 610g
Louis 16 Pair candelabra around 1600gr
Pair candelabra around 1600gr
German 835 silver plate with romantic scene of putti,s
German 835 silver plate with romantic scene of putti,s
Silver plate with a hunting scene 275gram
Silver plate with a hunting scene 275gram
Louis 16 Pair candelabra in 925 solid sterling silver 767gr
Pair candelabra in 925 solid sterling silver 767gr
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe 830 silver with hunting scene 275 gr
Centerpiece coupe 830 silver with hunting scene 275 gr
Christofle cutlery set 77 pieces
Christofle cutlery set 77 pieces
12 Louis 15 Dessertspoons of Christofle
Dessertspoons of Christofle
Louis 16 solid silver Centerpiece with crystal
Centerpiece with crystal
10 silverplated plates of Christofle
Silverplated plates of Christofle
coffee and theaset made by Wolfers
Coffee and theaset
Russian silver ladanka 1877
A solid silver coupe by Wolfers brussels 835 silver.
A silver box made in 800silver
A silver coffeekan 965gr.
A German 800 silver teastoof Signed Keyser 2680 grams.
sterling silver 925
A silver and woodn box for nuts 800 silver.
Sasikov russian silver 84
A silver centerpiece 1255 gr.
A pair 925 silver candalabra 6600 grams
18 century London silver
A silver pot 1425gr.
Dutch Solid silver Box
Solid silver Box
A German silver and ivory Madonna with child. 835 silver 1194grams.
A solid silver chocolatier 177gr.
A very important 18 century sterling 925 silver tankard by John Langlands 1760
Sugar pot in the model of a swan
Sugar pot in the model of a swan
Napoleon III silver Centerpiece
Belle epoque Silver box with Dutch scenes and 3 stamps
Silver box with Dutch scenes and 3 stamps
Centerpiece with flowers in 925 silver 520 gr
Centerpiece with flowers in 925 silver 520 gr
Belle epoque Centerpiece for nuts with a squirrel in silver
Centerpiece for nuts with a squirrel
Louis 15 solid silver box inside with vermeille (gold plated)
Solid silver box inside with vermeille (gold plated)
German stamps half moon and crown Solid silver centerpiece
Solid silver centerpiece
1 Louis 15 Cutleryset 137 pieces
Cutleryset 137 pieces
A German 800 silver centerpiece.
A German silver centerpiece.
Napoleon III Pair solid 925 silver candelabra Weight 2083 gr.
Pair solid 925 silver candelabra Weight 2083 gr.
coffee and teaset signed E.Isler
Coffee and teaset signed E.Isler
Napoleon III Sterling silver coffee and tea set 3300 gram
Sterling silver coffee and tea set 3300 gram
Cow milking pot 253 gr
Cow milking pot 253 gr
Christofle vendome 111 pieces Cutleryset in original box
111 pieces Cutleryset in original box
2 Louis Philippe Pair candelabra
Pair candelabra
€ 425