Louis 16 style paravon
Desk in carved walnut
Napoleon III display cabinet
Chest of drawers
Liege oak wardrobe
Napoleon III cabinet with marquetry and fine quality gilded bronze
Italian 1 door walnut Cabinet with stained glass
Henry 2 Cabinet
Cabinet in Viardot style
Secretary in Napoleon III style with nice quality of marquetry
Nice carved cabinet in oak

€ 375€

Louis 15 style chest of drawers in oak
Asiatique Chinese stand table

Chinese stand table

Asiatique Huge cabinet from a temple

Huge cabinet from a temple

Louis 16 Armoire de mariage bruidskast

Armoire de mariage bruidskast

Napoleon III Pair chest of drawers with flowor marquetry and marble tops

Pair chest of drawers with flowor marquetry and marble tops

Louis 16 Cabinet with marquetry and porcelain plates

Cabinet with marquetry and porcelain plates

Louis 15 Display cabinet 1 door vitrine

Display cabinet 1 door vitrine

Napoleon III Desk or table with drawer and marquetry with bronzes

Desk or table with drawer and marquetry with bronzes

Napoleon 3 Very high quality side board with marqetry and gilt bronze

Very high quality side board with marqetry and gilt bronze

Louis 15 Nice carved screen

Nice carved screen

Louis 15 pair benches

Pair benches

Louis 15 Nice carved display cabinet

Nice carved display cabinet

Louis 15 Liege Corner cabinet

Liege Corner cabinet

Louis 15 Display cabinet 1 door vitrine

Display cabinet 1 door vitrine

Louis 16 Display cabinet with curved glass and gilded bronzes

Display cabinet with curved glass and gilded bronzes

Louis 15 Napoleon III Display cabinet with curved glass and vernis-matin

Display cabinet with curved glass and vernis-matin

Napoleon 3 One door cabinet

One door cabinet

Napoleon 3 One door Boulle cabinet with tortoiseshell marquetry

One door Boulle cabinet with tortoiseshell marquetry

Napoleon 3 Sideboard with Sevres porcelain plate ,marquetry and gilded bronze

Sideboard with Sevres porcelain plate ,marquetry and gilded bronze

Renaisence Two doors carved cabinet

Two doors carved cabinet

Renaisence Bench with a trunk

Bench with a trunk

pair patinated armchairs

Pair patinated armchairs

Englisch bookcase

Englisch bookcase

Barock Nice carved pedestal with child

Nice carved pedestal with child

Louis 15 Highly carved Liége discplay cabinet vitrine

Highly carved Liége discplay cabinet vitrine

Transition F.Linke signed Displaycabinet

F.Linke signed Displaycabinet

Napoleon 3 Sideboard with flowers marquetry

Sideboard with flowers marquetry

Louis 16 Nice carved chest of drawers

Nice carved chest of drawers

Bell epoque Pair armchairs

Pair armchairs

Louis 16 Napoleon 3 Desk table with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes

Desk table with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes

Louis 15 Display cabinet with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes

Display cabinet with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes

Napoleon 3 Sewing table

Sewing table

Transition Gilded 4 sides cabinet vitrine

Gilded 4 sides cabinet vitrine

Louis 15 "travailleuse " chest scuptured on 4 sides

"travailleuse " chest scuptured on 4 sides

Highly quality carved Henri 2 credence cabinet

Highly quality carved Henri 2 credence cabinet

Napoleon III Display cabinet with curved glass and marble top

Display cabinet with curved glass and marble top

Louis 16 Small chest of drawers

Small chest of drawers

Asiatique Armchair with marquetry

Armchair with marquetry

Dresden barock Corner cabinet with gilded bronze

Corner cabinet with gilded bronze

Louis 15 Small Liége table

Small Liége table

Louis 16 Gilded display vitrine cabinet

Gilded display vitrine cabinet

Napoleon III Two door cabinet with flower marquetry and red marble top

Two door cabinet with flower marquetry and red marble top

Louis 15 Bench


Louis 16 Display cabinet/ vitrine

Display cabinet/ vitrine

Napoleon III Piedestal colum

Piedestal colum

Louis 15 small Bench

Small Bench

Louis 16 Small round table

Small round table

Napoleon III Display cabinet vitrine

Display cabinet vitrine

Louis 15 Side board

Side board

Louis 15 Display cabinet

Display cabinet

Louis 15 Cabinet


Louis 15 Franse deux-corps buffetkast

Franse deux-corps buffetkast

Transition Server table

Server table

Venitian,Napoleon III Piedestal


Louis 15 Highly carved table and 6 chairs

Highly carved table and 6 chairs

Louis 15 curved chest of drawers

Curved chest of drawers

Huge Henry Deux cabinet

Huge cabinet

Liége Louis 15 Coffee table

Coffee table

Louis 15 Table


Louis 16 Gilded displaycabinet vitrine

Gilded displaycabinet vitrine

Louis 15 salontable coffeetable

Salontable coffeetable

Louis 16 Displaycabinet vitrine

Displaycabinet vitrine

1 Transition Displaycabinet very high quality Napoleon3

Displaycabinet very high quality Napoleon3

Barock Longchair for child

Longchair for child

Grunderzeit Dresden cabinet

Dresden cabinet

Grunderzeit Bookcase displaycabinet

Bookcase displaycabinet

Louis 15 Table


Russian Louis 16 Very rare miniatur inlay cabinet

Very rare miniatur inlay cabinet

Louis 16 Pair armchairs

Pair armchairs

Napoleon III,in the manner of Topino marqueterie table

Marqueterie table

Rengénce Chest of drawers

Chest of drawers

Louis 15 Hallstand


Louis 15 Napoleon III chest of drawwers

Napoleon III chest of drawwers

Napoleon 3 Boulle Sideboard


1 Napoleon 3 Table


Signed Printz
Louis 15 Chest of drawers

Chest of drawers

1 Louis 15 style Chest of drawers

Chest of drawers

Chinese Cabinet


Louis Philippe Playtable


7 pieces Louis 16 Sofaset


Gotique Cabinet


Louis 15 style secretairy
Louis 15 Double desk

Double desk

Englisch side board / vesselier


































6 armchairs,2 banches,2 oval mirrors,1 paravon,1 jardinaire,console and mirror
Lock signed Duvivier
fireplace in carved wood Germany


3 doors boulle cabinet around 1870
Hunting cabinet in oak
A highly carved table,desk and armchair by D.W. Beckerman te Arnhem.
A 18 century "Hamburger shapp"
A highly carved table,desk around 1900.
A very nice marqueterie cabinet with gilded bronzes made by Kimbel and Friederichsen.

Kimbel and Friederichsen.

A very nice marqueterie cabinet with gilded bronzes made by Kimbel and Friederichsen.

Kimbel and Friederichsen.

A very nice quality louis 16 style display cabinet with marquetry.
A music cabinet in rosewood and mounted bronzes.
A gilded carved wooden table with marble top.
A Napoleon III Louis 16 style cabinet probably by François Linke

François Linke

1 Louis 16 display cabinet

Display cabinet

Henry Deux
Louis 16 Displaycabinet


1 Napoleon III Boulle 1-door cabinet with a white marble top

Boulle 1-door cabinet

Chinese Display cabinet

Display cabinet

Normandisch Armoire de marriage

Armoire de marriage

Louis 16 gilded Mirror


1 Napoleon 3 Bonheur du jour,Boulle inlay

Bonheur du jour,Boulle inlay

Rokoko Displaycabinet vitrine

Displaycabinet vitrine

Louis 16 High quality bedroomset probaply F. Linke

High quality bedroomset probaply F. Linke

Louis 15 Gilded displaycabinet vitrine

Gilded displaycabinet

Ile de France Wardrope


Louis 16 gilded and obusson tapisserie salonset 5 pieces

Gilded and obusson tapisserie salonset 5 pieces

Louis 16 Napoleon III periode Secretary whit marquetery and marble top

Secretary whit marquetery and marble top

Louis 16 Napoleon III periode 1 door Cabinet whit marquetery and marble top

1 door Cabinet whit marquetery and marble top

Louis 15 Displaycabinet vitrine with vernis-matin

Displaycabinet vitrine with vernis-matin

Napoleon III Lady,s desk in Boulle style

Lady,s desk in Boulle style

Louis 16 Display cabinet vitrine stamped in the lock

Display cabinet vitrine stamped in the lock

Louis 15 Cabinet painted with cherubs


Louis 15 Cabinet


Liége,regence Sideboard with marble top

Sideboard with marble top

Louis 15 Very nice quality Wiener barock cabinet

Very nice quality Wiener barock cabinet

Napoleon III Card play table with tortoiseshell in Boulle styl

Card play table with tortoiseshell in Boulle styl

Regénce One-door cabinet signed by Nullens J.

One-door cabinet signed by Nullens J.

Louis 15 Coffee table

Coffee table

Roccoco Pedestal stand with heads and flowers

Pedestal stand with heads and flowers

Travailleuse lady desk

Travailleuse lady desk

Louis 15 Pair armchairs

Pair armchairs

Napoleon III Boulle style 1 door cabinet

Boulle style 1 door cabinet

Napoleon III, Linke styl Display cabinet with curved glass

Display cabinet with curved glass

Louis 15 Diplaycabinet


Napoleon III cabinet with vernis-matin paintings

Cabinet with vernis-matin paintings

Louis 15, Liége Bar, tea cabinet on wheels

Bar, tea cabinet on wheels

Napoleon III Display cabinet with curved glass

Display cabinet with curved glass

Barock huge Gilded Italian table with marble top

Huge Gilded Italian table with marble top

1 Louis 16 Displaycabinet very high quality

Displaycabinet very high quality

Louis 15 Unusual cabinet with vernis matin paintings

Unusual cabinet with vernis matin paintings

Hunting style Bookcase


Asiatique Different Chinese flowerstands

Different Chinese flowerstands

Louis 16 display cabinet vitrine

Display cabinet vitrine

Barock Highly carved credence cabinet

Highly carved credence cabinet

Chinese Tea table

Tea table

Louis 15 Display cabinet with curved glass

Display cabinet with curved glass

Louis 15 Small bench with gilding

Small bench with gilding

Louis 15 Gilded console with marble top

Gilded console with marble top

Napoleon 3 Boulle 3 doors cabinet with tortoiseshell marquetry

Boulle 3 doors cabinet with tortoiseshell marquetry

Japanese miniatur display cabinet with ivory inlay

Japanese miniatur display cabinet with ivory inlay

Louis 15 Gilded mirror and console

Gilded mirror and console

A pair wrought iron consoles with marble top

A pair wrought iron consoles with marble top

Barock Dresden cabinet with gilded bronze and German porcelain plates

Dresden cabinet with gilded bronze and German porcelain plates

Napoleon III boulle "bonheur du jour" with toirtoiseshell inlay

Boulle "bonheur du jour" with toirtoiseshell inlay

Louis 15 Bergére armchair with nice quality carving

Bergére armchair with nice quality carving

Napoleon III Round table with marble top

Round table with marble top

Napoleon 3 Displaycabinet with vernis-matin

Displaycabinet with vernis-matin

Louis 15 nice carved One door display cabinet

Nice carved One door display cabinet

Napoleon 3 Exceptional one door cabinet in Boulle marquetry with different colors

Exceptional one door cabinet in Boulle marquetry with different colors

Louis 15 Display cabinet with curved glass

Display cabinet with curved glass

Louis 15 Small cabinet with vernis matin

Small cabinet with vernis matin

Napoleon 3 Display cabinet with curved glass and vernis-matin

Display cabinet with curved glass and vernis-matin

Louis 16 Pair bergéres armchairs

Pair bergéres armchairs

Louis 16 Very nice gilded display cabinet with curved glass

Very nice gilded display cabinet with curved glass

Louis 15 one door display cabinet vitrine

One door display cabinet vitrine

1 Liége Luikse vitrine kast 19de eeuw

Luikse vitrine kast 19de eeuw

Chinese Pair armchairs

Pair armchairs

Napoleon 3 Boulle "bonheur du jour" ladydesk

Boulle "bonheur du jour" ladydesk