Louis 16 style paravon
Desk in carved walnut
Napoleon III display cabinet
Chest of drawers
Liege oak wardrobe
Napoleon III cabinet with marquetry and fine quality gilded bronze
Italian 1 door walnut Cabinet with stained glass
Henry 2 Cabinet
Cabinet in Viardot style
Huge church candelabra
Secretary in Napoleon III style with nice quality of marquetry
400 day,s clock
Pair pique fleurs
Chinese silver
Louis 16 Solid silver box Altenloh Bruxelles
Solid silver box Altenloh Bruxelles
Napoleon III 3 pairs of vases 56cm till 72cm and one centerpiece
3 pairs of vases 56cm till 72cm and one centerpiece
Alabaster buste by Morin
Alabaster book stands with dogs
VSL vase
Glass pendule
Nice carved cabinet in oak
€ 375€
Louis 15 style chest of drawers in oak
Glass pendule
Val Saint Lambert VSL
Nice bronze gilded inkwell by signed Ramboud and Susse Frères
Bronze lamp with a putty
Bronze sculpture cire perdu
Huge pair Satsuma vases
Napoleon 3 Huge Sévres plate with a romantic scene
Huge Sévres plate with a romantic scene
Russian plate 448grams
Russian plate 448grams
Asiatique Huge bowl 1785gr silver marked Habi
Huge bowl 1785gr silver marked Habi
Napoleon 3 A huge pair plates
A huge pair plates
Chinese porcelain vases
Alabaster sculpture
floor lamp with putti,s maison Jansen
Floor lamp with putti,s maison Jansen
Louis 16 Paravon room screen
Paravon room screen
Gallé vase in multi layer glass
18 century Louis 16 pendulum clock by Lepaute with date
Asiatique Chinese stand table
Chinese stand table
Asiatique Huge cabinet from a temple
Huge cabinet from a temple
Louis 15 Clockset
Medieval Small jar
Small jar
Val Saint Lambert Vase with danse de flore
Vase with danse de flore
boutcher table with marble top
Boutcher table with marble top
Art-deco Lamp with pate de verre glass by Degué
Lamp with pate de verre glass by Degué
Bronze patinated buste of a lady by E.Villanis
Asiatique Japanese vase with scene in relief
Japanese vase with scene in relief
Napoleon 3 Pair vases with gilt ormolu and romantic scenes
Pair vases with gilt ormolu and romantic scenes
Tiffany & co 925 sterling silver bowl
Tiffany & co 925 sterling silver bowl
Miniature music box in gold with stone
Miniature music box in gold with stone
Packing, shipping and buying tours
Packing, shipping and buying tours
Klokkenstellen schouwgarnituren te koop gevraagd
Klokkenstellen schouwgarnituren te koop gevraagd
1 Religious Cross in mother of pearl and 18kt gold
Cross in mother of pearl and 18kt gold
silver Centerpiece
Silver Centerpiece
Napoleon III Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Napoleon III Set of 1 plate and 6 cups
Set of 1 plate and 6 cups
Painting of 3 dogs by Sophie Pir 1858-1936
Painting of 3 dogs by Sophie Pir 1858-1936
buste of a child write in a book
Buste of a child write in a book
Louis 16 Pair sconces
Pair sconces
sunburst mirror
Sunburst mirror
Val Saint Lambert VSL vase
Val Saint Lambert VSL vase
2 Chinese vases
Chinese vases
Louis 16 Lyra pendulum clock
Lyra pendulum clock
Sellenslach a pair of paintings
Louis 16 Armoire de mariage bruidskast
Armoire de mariage bruidskast
Napoleon III Pair chest of drawers with flowor marquetry and marble tops
Pair chest of drawers with flowor marquetry and marble tops
Louis 16 style paire of sideboards in oak
Napoleon III Gilded bronze and Sevres porcelain clockset
Gilded bronze and Sevres porcelain clockset
VSL Carafe and 6 glasses
VSL Carafe and 6 glasses
Napoleon III Piano with Boulle marquetry
Piano with Boulle marquetry
Meissen porcelain lamp with putti,s and flowers
Meissen porcelain lamp with putti,s and flowers
Napoleon III Sculpture of a boy who carries water
Sculpture of a boy who carries water
Napoleon III Pair pastel portraits
Pair pastel portraits
Napoleon 3 Pair Sevres style vases in porcelain de Parisby Jules Tieles
Pair Sevres style vases in porcelain de Parisby Jules Tieles
Louis 16 Oil lamp with Sévres porcelain
Oil lamp with Sévres porcelain
Louis 15 silver Centerpiece 610g
Silver Centerpiece 610g
Napoleon 3 A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra by H.Picard
A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra by H.Picard
Napoleon 3 Sculpture by Hebert "playing hide and seek" on a marble base
Sculpture by Hebert "playing hide and seek" on a marble base
Chinese Hanger weight 9.8gr
Hanger weight 9.8gr
pair appliques
Pair appliques
Louis 15 Table
Lady,s ring
Lady,s ring
€ 225
Empire Miniature pendule clock with a lady and child
Miniature pendule clock with a lady and child
Napoleon III Boulle style 1 door cabinet
Boulle style 1 door cabinet
Louis 16 Pair candelabra around 1600gr
Pair candelabra around 1600gr
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe with romantic scene
Centerpiece coupe with romantic scene
Napoleon 3 Pair cobalt bleu vases with romantic scenes
Pair cobalt bleu vases with romantic scenes
painting of flowers
Painting of flowers
Napoleon 3 Sculpture of a lady by J. Obiole
Sculpture of a lady by J. Obiole
Louis 15 Lamp with 3 putti,s and brown glass shapes
Lamp with 3 putti,s and brown glass shapes
1 Louis 15 Mirror
Huge Val Saint Lambert centerpiece model Zorba
Huge Val Saint Lambert centerpiece model Zorba
Signed Gallé
Louis 15 Clockset in gilded bronze "Compagnie des bronze Bruxelles"
Clockset in gilded bronze "Compagnie des bronze Bruxelles"
Louis 16 Cabinet with marquetry and porcelain plates
Cabinet with marquetry and porcelain plates
Louis 15 Display cabinet 1 door vitrine
Display cabinet 1 door vitrine
Napoleon 3 Cartel clock with console with tortoise shell marquetry
Cartel clock with console with tortoise shell marquetry
Art-nouveau Nice cameo glass etched vase with a landscape
Nice cameo glass etched vase with a landscape
Hunting Black forest juwel box
Black forest juwel box
Louis 16 Pair sconses
Pair sconses
Sculpture and light of a young girl playing with a cat
Sculpture and light of a young girl playing with a cat
Barock Painting of a mother with child
Painting of a mother with child
Asiatique Pair Japanese Satsuma vases
Pair Japanese Satsuma vases
Napoleon III Pair light blue vases with flower decorations
Pair light blue vases with flower decorations
German 835 silver plate with romantic scene of putti,s
German 835 silver plate with romantic scene of putti,s
Napoleon III, Linke styl Display cabinet with curved glass
Display cabinet with curved glass
Napoleon 3 Exceptional one door cabinet in Boulle marquetry with different colors
Exceptional one door cabinet in Boulle marquetry with different colors
Lady,s ring with smaragd and briljant 6.3 gr
Lady,s ring with smaragd and briljant 6.3 gr
Barock Longchair for child
Longchair for child
hunting trophy,s
Hunting trophy,s
Ring with turquoise in 18kt gold
Ring with turquoise
Napoleon 3 Sculpture by Hebert "playing hide and seek" on a marble base
Sculpture by Hebert "playing hide and seek" on a marble base
Napoleon III Pair Sévres porcelain vases
Pair porcelain vases
Silver plate with a hunting scene 275gram
Silver plate with a hunting scene 275gram
Sévres vase with romantic scene by Eug. Farel
Sévres vase with romantic scene by Eug. Farel
Napoleon 3 Pair vases in cobalt blue and gilt decoration of flowers
Pair vases in cobalt blue and gilt decoration of flowers
Belle epque Painting of flowers
Painting of flowers
Art-nouveau Sculpture of a child,s buste
Sculpture of a child,s buste
table lamp with a faun
Table lamp with a faun
Hunting Huge deer
Huge deer
Art-nouveau Opalescent glass vase with putti signed Cros
Opalescent glass vase with putti signed Cros
Art-deco 3 pieces clockset
3 pieces clockset
Napoleon III Desk or table with drawer and marquetry with bronzes
Desk or table with drawer and marquetry with bronzes
Napoleon 3 Very high quality side board with marqetry and gilt bronze
Very high quality side board with marqetry and gilt bronze
Miniature clock with precious stones and enamel
Miniature clock with precious stones and enamel
Art-nouveau Gallé signed centerpiece coupe in etched glass
Gallé signed centerpiece coupe in etched glass
Persian Carpet
Louis 15 Candelabra
Art-nouveau Silver plated WMF centerpiece
Silver plated WMF centerpiece
Belle epque Painting by Paul Schouten of cows and sheep
Painting by Paul Schouten of cows and sheep
Sévres set of 4 perfume bottle by Le Tallec
Sévres set of 4 perfume bottle by Le Tallec
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe
Centerpiece coupe
Louis 16 Pair candelabra in 925 solid sterling silver 767gr
Pair candelabra in 925 solid sterling silver 767gr
Napoleon III Make-up mirror with a monkey and cherubs
Make-up mirror with a monkey and cherubs
Louis 16 Napoleon 3 display cabinet with gilded bronze and marble top
Napoleon 3 display cabinet with gilded bronze and marble top
speld broche in 14kt gold and pearls
Speld broche
Transition Pair patinated nightstands
Pair patinated nightstands
A very nice 18k gold and coral necklace 55 grams.
Napoleon 3 cartel Clock
cartel Clock
Napoleon III Centerpiece with cherubs
Centerpiece with cherubs
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe 830 silver with hunting scene 275 gr
Centerpiece coupe 830 silver with hunting scene 275 gr
Napoleon III Sévres porcelain box with romantic scene in park
Sévres porcelain box with romantic scene in park
Napoleon 3 Bowl and plate
Bowl and plate
Napoleon III Painting of a man by Eugene Van Ham
Painting of a man by Eugene Van Ham
Napoleon 3 Bronze sculpture by Vital Cornu "Fracasse" with foundry stamp
Bronze sculpture by Vital Cornu "Fracasse" with foundry stamp
huge bronze Lamp with crystals
Huge bronze Lamp with crystals
Asiatique Chinese broderie
Chinese broderie
crystal karaf by VSL Val Saint Lambert
Crystal karaf by VSL Val Saint Lambert
Miniature clock with musical box and precious stones, enamel
Miniature clock with musical box and precious stones, enamel
Louis 15 Nice carved screen
Nice carved screen
Louis 15 pair benches
Pair benches
A Sienna marble and gilded bronze clock around 1900.
Val Saint Lambert crystal coupe centerpiece
Val Saint Lambert crystal coupe centerpiece
Napoleon 3 Huge oval mirror with putti,s
Huge oval mirror with putti,s
Louis 16 Pair appliques
Pair appliques
Napoleon 3 Sculpture of a sleeping lady by J. Cavelier and Barbedienne foundry stamp
Sculpture of a sleeping lady by J. Cavelier and Barbedienne foundry stamp
Belle epoque Painting of a Italian man
Painting of a Italian man
Bell epoque Pair romantic Royal Dux sculptures of horse riding couple
Pair romantic Royal Dux sculptures of horse riding couple
A Sévres lamp on a gilded bronze base.
Christofle cutlery set 77 pieces
Christofle cutlery set 77 pieces
Meiji Japanese bronze centerpiece
Japanese centerpiece
Napoleon 3 Sculpture by Hippolyte Moreau "Captif"
Sculpture by Hippolyte Moreau "Captif"
A very nice 18k gold and coral necklace 31.4 grams.
Rengence Mirror
yellow golden bracelet 18kt
Yellow golden bracelet 18kt
Napoleon III cloisonné Clockset with putti,s
Cloisonné Clockset with putti,s
Fountain complete made in bronze
Our new antiques center in Tongeren
Napoleon 3 Pair Sévres vases
Pair Sévres vases
12 Louis 15 Dessertspoons of Christofle
Dessertspoons of Christofle
Art-nouveau Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis " fille d'eve" with foundry stamp
Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis " fille d'eve" with foundry stamp
painting of a landscape of a small village
Painting of a landscape of a small village
Bell epoque romantic pair Meissen porcelain sculptures
Romantic pair Meissen porcelain sculptures
Art-nouveau Lamp in wrought iron and Viane signed glass
Lamp in wrought iron and Viane signed glass
Napoleon 3 Two urns on griot marble base
Two urns on griot marble base
Bohemian engraved glass jar with deers
Bohemian engraved glass jar with deers
Empire Miniature pendule clock with a lady and child
Miniature pendule clock with a lady and child
Louis 15 Nice carved display cabinet
Nice carved display cabinet
Louis 15 Liege Corner cabinet
Liege Corner cabinet
Renaisence Pendule
Louis Philippe Centerpiece
Barock A sleigh transformed to a pair flower pots with dogs
A sleigh transformed to a pair flower pots with dogs
Louis 16 Lamp
Hans Kitslaar Painting of two children playing in the park
Painting of two children playing in the park
Belle epque Centerpiece
bronze Sculpture of 2 children by A.Poitevin
Sculpture of 2 children
Louis 16 solid silver Centerpiece with crystal
Centerpiece with crystal
Sévres centerpiece
Sévres centerpiece
Liége Regénce Grandfather clock
Grandfather clock
Charles X restauration Pendule clock "bibliothéque"
Pendule clock "bibliothéque"
tricolor 18kt gold bracelet 60.6 gram
Tricolor 18kt gold bracelet 60.6 gram
A amber necklace 450 grams.
Napoleon III Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
mantel clock 'char de l'amour'
Mantel clock 'char de l'amour'
Napoleon 3 Pair Sévres porcelain vases
Pair Sévres porcelain vases
10 silverplated plates of Christofle
Silverplated plates of Christofle
Napoleon 3 Sculpture of a lady
Sculpture of a lady
A very nice Sévres vase with a romatic scene around 1880.
300 a 400 pieces Big lot of paintings
Big lot of paintings
Louis 16 Lamp with crystals
Lamp with crystals
Asiatique Turning centerpiece
Turning centerpiece
Modern Daum France signed brief opener with a horse
Daum France signed brief opener with a horse
Empire Pendule
Louis 15 Display cabinet 1 door vitrine
Display cabinet 1 door vitrine
Louis 16 Display cabinet with curved glass and gilded bronzes
Display cabinet with curved glass and gilded bronzes
Belle epque Pendule with cloisonné
Pendule with cloisonné
Art-deco Daum Nancy etched vase
Daum Nancy etched vase
Louis 15 Fire place screen
Fire place screen
Louis 16 Pair wall sconses
Pair wall sconses
Belgian painting of a city
Painting of a city
Belle epque Royal dux sculpture of farmers and cow
Royal dux sculpture of farmers and cow
Art-nouveau erotic sculpture of a naked lady by Philipp
Erotic sculpture of a naked lady by Philipp
coffee and theaset made by Wolfers
Coffee and theaset
Napoleon III huge Clock with a woman and child signed by Popon
Huge Clock with a woman and child signed by Popon
Art-nouveau Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis " fille d'eve" with foundry stamp
Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis " fille d'eve" with foundry stamp
Cyma cymaflex 18k Golden lady watch
18k Golden lady watch
Modern 18 karaats gouden hartvormige hanger met briljant en saffier
18 karaats gouden hartvormige hanger met briljant en saffier
clockset and mirror
Sculpture of 2 children
Sculpture of 2 children
Russian silver ladanka 1877
Napoleon 3 Sculpture by E. Picault
Sculpture by E. Picault
Belle epque Box with a romantic scene
Box with a romantic scene
Painting by Henri Schouten oil on canvas.
Bell epoque Lamp with blue opaline drops
Lamp with blue opaline drops
Napoleon 3 Boulle "boite à jetons" box with tortoiseshel inlay
Boulle "boite à jetons" box with tortoiseshel inlay
coupe centerpiece in crystal
Coupe centerpiece
Charles X restauration Pendule clock "bibliothéque"
Pendule clock "bibliothéque"
Louis 15 Napoleon III Display cabinet with curved glass and vernis-matin
Display cabinet with curved glass and vernis-matin
Napoleon 3 One door cabinet
One door cabinet
Napoleon III Glass pendule clock with cloisonné champleuve
Glass pendule clock with cloisonné champleuve
€ glass pendule clock with cloisonné champleuve
Art deco vase
Louis 15 Huge baldachin
Huge baldachin
Art-deco Lamp with opalescent glass
Lamp with opalescent glass
coupe with cherubs putti,s
Coupe with cherubs putti,s
A painting by Ed. Hein jr.1854-1918 of military,s on horses in the wood.
A pair Sévres vases
A solid silver coupe by Wolfers brussels 835 silver.
Bell epoque Sculpture of a farmer lady signed by Comein
Sculpture of a farmer lady signed by Comein
Art-nouveau Gallé cameo glass vase with flowers
Gallé cameo glass vase with flowers
18 karaats geel gouden Dames armband
Dames armband
Belle epoque Sculpture of young pair by Goldschneider
Sculpture of young pair by Goldschneider
Paire vases with cherubs
Paire vases with cherubs
dames armband in geel goud
Dames armband
Belle epoque Huge vase with romantic scenes
Huge vase with romantic scenes
Napoleon III Sculpture of a pipe smoking boy signed by Melane
Sculpture of a pipe smoking boy signed by Melane
A silver box made in 800silver
Sévres high 68cm
Paul Elzinger 1905
Chinese Disch white and blue
Disch white and blue
Bell epoque Round lantern hallamp
Round lantern hallamp
Louis 16 Centerpiece with cherub
Centerpiece with cherub
1 Pair vases
Pair vases
Napoleon III cage clock by L.Leroy & Cie à Paris
Cage clock by L.Leroy & Cie à Paris
Napoleon 3 One door Boulle cabinet with tortoiseshell marquetry
One door Boulle cabinet with tortoiseshell marquetry
Napoleon 3 Sideboard with Sevres porcelain plate ,marquetry and gilded bronze
Sideboard with Sevres porcelain plate ,marquetry and gilded bronze
Napoleon III Clockset with Sevrés porcelain
Clockset with Sevrés porcelain
1 Art nouveau Gallé etched glass vase
Gallé etched glass vase
desk lamp
Desk lamp
18 century Chinese plate blue and white
Chinese plate blue and white
Napoleon 3 A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra by H.Picard
A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra by H.Picard
A painting of a lady and child 1862 signed
A silver coffeekan 965gr.
Napoleon III Sculpture of "Diane De Gabies"
Sculpture of "Diane De Gabies"
A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra whit putto,s signed by H.Picard
Dames armband in wit goud
Dames armband
Louis 16 Centerpiece whit putto,s signed by Provost
Centerpiece whit putto,s signed by Provost
Belle epoque Lamp with 3 colors crystals
Lamp with 3 colors crystals
Wit gouden armband
Wit gouden armband
1 Louis 16 Gilded bronze lamp
Gilded bronze lamp
Art-nouveau Sculpture by E.Villanis of a lady,s buste with foundry stamp
Sculpture by E.Villanis of a lady,s buste with foundry stamp
Chinese Huge Vase
Huge Vase
Mazerin Louis 16 Pair wall sconces
Pair wall sconces
Art-nouveau mirror
1 Art-deco Legras vase
Legras vase
Napoleon III Boulle styl cartel clock
Boulle styl cartel clock
Renaisence Two doors carved cabinet
Two doors carved cabinet
Renaisence Bench with a trunk
Bench with a trunk
Louis Philippe Clock pendule
Clock pendule
Art nouveau Moda signed Vase
Moda signed Vase
€ € 375
Hunting style Black forest sculpture
Black forest sculpture
Belle epoque Lamp
painting on porcelain plate of a mother with child
Painting on porcelain plate of a mother with child
Sévres chateau de Tuilerie
Napoleon III Buste of a lady on a green marble base
Buste of a lady on a green marble base
Belle epoque Lamp with bleu opaline
Lamp with bleu opaline
Art-nouveau Buste of a lady "Mignon" by E.Villanis
Buste of a lady "Mignon" by E.Villanis
Louis 15 Clockset with putti,s Napoleon 3
Clockset with putti,s Napoleon 3
Napoleon III Sculptures of a angel cherub by H. Giraud "Il Bat"
Sculptures of a angel cherub by H. Giraud "Il Bat"
A German 800 silver teastoof Signed Keyser 2680 grams.
Belle epoque Centerpiece
Louis 15 Floorlamp
Art-nouveau Pair candelabra in wrought iron stamped JH
Pair candelabra in wrought iron stamped JH
Art nouveau Centerpiece signed Daum,Nancy
Centerpiece signed Daum,Nancy
Liége Regénce Grandfather clock
Grandfather clock
pair patinated armchairs
Pair patinated armchairs
Englisch bookcase
Englisch bookcase
Electric bulle clock with Chinoisery
Electric bulle clock with Chinoisery
Art nouveau Centerpiece signed Daum,Nancy
Centerpiece signed Daum,Nancy
Napoleon III Box with bronze
Box with bronze
Louis 16 Gilded bronze lamp with putto,s
Gilded bronze lamp with putto,s
Signed Johan J.Voskuil oil on wood
Belle epoque Porcelain plate with romantic scene "Helias and Venus"
Porcelain plate with romantic scene "Helias and Venus"
Art-nouveau Buste of a young lady by P.Philippe
Buste of a young lady by P.Philippe
1 Transition Displaycabinet signed F.Linke
Displaycabinet signed F.Linke
Barock huge Gilded Italian table with marble top
Huge Gilded Italian table with marble top
Barock Cabinet
A solid silver chocolatier 177gr.
Napoleon III Sculpture by barey fils of a harlequin with a dancing poodle
Sculpture by barey fils of a harlequin with a dancing poodle
sterling silver 925
Belle epoque Porcelain plate with "daughter of Eperus"
Porcelain plate with "daughter of Eperus"
Regénce A pair gilded bronze appliques "Mazarin"
A pair gilded bronze appliques "Mazarin"
Louis 15 Pair fireplace inserts with cherubs putto,s
Pair fireplace inserts with cherubs putto,s
Hunting Brienzer - black forest clockset
Brienzer - black forest clockset
Barock Nice carved pedestal with child
Nice carved pedestal with child
Louis 15 Highly carved Liége discplay cabinet vitrine
Highly carved Liége discplay cabinet vitrine
Louis Philippe Gilded clock
Gilded clock
Art-deco Centerpiece signed Schneider
Centerpiece signed Schneider
Asiatique Pair sculptures of birds
Pair sculptures of birds
Belle epoque Lamp whit crystals
Lamp whit crystals
A pair Meissen porcelein candelabra.
Napoleon III Sculpture by Guillemin of Napoleon
Sculpture by Guillemin of Napoleon
Napoleon III Card play table with tortoiseshell in Boulle styl
Card play table with tortoiseshell in Boulle styl
Bruegel Carved wooden panel of a party
Carved wooden panel of a party
Louis 16 display cabinet vitrine
Display cabinet vitrine
A very nice huge Japanese bronze bowl.
Napoleon III Sculpture by C.Masson of a young bird playind with a snail
Sculpture by C.Masson of a young bird playind with a snail
A silver and woodn box for nuts 800 silver.
Louis 16 Lamp in havy quality
Lamp in havy quality
Louis 16 Centerpiece coupe with etched crystal
Centerpiece coupe with etched crystal
A set of 3 Daum Nancy "jardinaire" vases.
Travel clock
Travel clock
Transition F.Linke signed Displaycabinet
F.Linke signed Displaycabinet
Napoleon 3 Sideboard with flowers marquetry
Sideboard with flowers marquetry
A vase signed by Richard.
centerpiece coupe
Centerpiece coupe
Venitian Murano chandelier with 6 lights
Murano chandelier with 6 lights
Sévres plate with romantic scene
Sévres plate with romantic scene
Sasikov russian silver 84
Modern Sculpture by J.M. Lheureux
Sculpture by J.M. Lheureux
A Japanese imari plate.
bronze Sculpture of 2 children by A.Poitevin
Sculpture of 2 children
Russian Louis 16 Very rare miniatur inlay cabinet
Very rare miniatur inlay cabinet
Napoleon III Pair sculptures by Lalouette "the end of cockfight" the winner and the loser
Pair sculptures by Lalouette "the end of cockfight" the winner and the loser
A important Sévres box very high quality.
Regence Lamp / luster
Lamp / luster
Hunting Barometer with animals and fruits
Barometer with animals and fruits
Art nouveau Vase signed Gallé
Vase signed Gallé
French comtoise clock
Louis 16 Nice carved chest of drawers
Nice carved chest of drawers
Louis Philippe Pair appliques
Pair appliques
Empire candelabra ONLY AVAILABLE IN RUSSIA!!
Cornelis Kimmel
A Chinese porcelain plate.
A very nice quality Sévres box in porcelain.
Napoleon III Sculpture by E.Picault "escholier" a scholer
Sculpture by E.Picault "escholier" a scholer
Louis 15 Clockset with putti,s Napoleon 3
Clockset with putti,s Napoleon 3
1 Louis 16 Gilded bronze lamp
Gilded bronze lamp
Napoleon III Scculpture by Maubach of a farmer lady
Scculpture by Maubach of a farmer lady
A huge Napoleon III gilded bronze and Sevres porcelain apllique.
A Japanese imari plate.
L Robert
1 Pair tablelamps with crystal
Pair tablelamps
Russian icon with silver
Russian icon with silver
Art nouveau Vase in Legras style
Vase in Legras style
Bell epoque Pair armchairs
Pair armchairs
Louis 16 Clock
Louis 16 Napoleon 3 Desk table with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes
Desk table with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes
1 Religious Church candelabra
Church candelabra
Fountain complete made in bronze
a huge Sévres box
A huge Sévres box
A silver centerpiece 1255 gr.
Art-deco Sculpture of a oriental dancing lady by Omerth
Sculpture of a oriental dancing lady by Omerth
Napoleon 3 Huge 3 pieces Sévres clockset
Huge 3 pieces Sévres clockset
Napoleon III Pair Sévres vases
Pair Sévres vases
Belle epoque Sculpture by H. Sécarel of a man with ivory face
Sculpture by H. Sécarel of a man with ivory face
A pair 925 silver candalabra 6600 grams
Sellenslach a pair of paintings
Meiji Japanese bronze centerpiece
Japanese centerpiece
Louis 16 Lamp
Louis 15 Display cabinet with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes
Display cabinet with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes
Napoleon 3 Sewing table
Sewing table
Louis 16 Lamp
Louis 15 bronze Make-up or table mirror
Make-up or table mirror
Signed V D Bachter
26cm high
18 century London silver
Napoleon III Pair Sévres porcelain vases
Pair porcelain vases
Napoleon III Sculpture by P.J.Mene of mother chicken and chickens
Sculpture by P.J.Mene of mother chicken and chickens
Napoleon 3 Displaycabinet with vernis-matin
Displaycabinet with vernis-matin
Sculpture of a battle of two warriors
Sculpture of a battle of two warriors
Belle epoque Sculpture by Mestais "woman with mask"
Sculpture by Mestais "woman with mask"
Napoleon III Brule parfum
Brule parfum
A silver pot 1425gr.
31cm high
Napoleon III Jardinaire stamped by Cie des bronze Bruxelles
Jardinaire stamped by Cie des bronze Bruxelles
Empire Lamp
Transition Gilded 4 sides cabinet vitrine
Gilded 4 sides cabinet vitrine
Louis 15 "travailleuse " chest scuptured on 4 sides
"travailleuse " chest scuptured on 4 sides
Art-deco Lamp
Louis 16 Paravon roomscreen
Paravon roomscreen
signed by Johannes Bosboom Geb.1817 +1891
Johannes Bosboom
Dutch Solid silver Box
Solid silver Box
Napoleon III Sculpture by A.Gaudez of a man
Sculpture by A.Gaudez of a man
Napoleon III Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe
Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe
Regence Lamp / luster
Lamp / luster
Louis 16 porcelain Box
Napoleon III Sévres porcelain vase with cloisonné and romantic scene
Sévres porcelain vase with cloisonné and romantic scene
Napoleon III Sculpture of lady
Sculpture of lady
A German silver and ivory Madonna with child. 835 silver 1194grams.
Napoleon III Briefopener and stamp with enamel
Briefopener and stamp
Art-deco Tablelamp with a child
Tablelamp with a child
Highly quality carved Henri 2 credence cabinet
Highly quality carved Henri 2 credence cabinet
Napoleon III Display cabinet with curved glass and marble top
Display cabinet with curved glass and marble top
Louis 16 Lamp
Belle epoque Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis " Tanagra" with foundry stamp
Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis " Tanagra" with foundry stamp
A solid silver chocolatier 177gr.
Napoleon III Pair Sévres vases with romantic scenes by Jules Tiélés à Paris
Pair Sévres vases with romantic scenes by Jules Tiélés à Paris
1 Art nouveau Gallé etched glass vase
Gallé etched glass vase
Napoleon 3 clock
Napoleon III Huge pair Sévres porcelain vases with romantic scenes
Huge pair Sévres porcelain vases with romantic scenes
Napoleon III Sculpture signed by Andreas of Diana on marble base
Sculpture signed by Andreas of Diana on marble base
A very important 18 century sterling 925 silver tankard by John Langlands 1760
Napoleon III Piedestal in bicolor marble
Piedestal in bicolor marble
Bagues Pair sconces
Pair sconces
Louis 16 Small chest of drawers
Small chest of drawers
Asiatique Armchair with marquetry
Armchair with marquetry
Napoleon III Boulle mirror
Boulle mirror
Napoleon III Pair Sévres vases
Pair Sévres vases
Napoleon III Sculpture by Georges van der Straeten bust of a man on green marble base
Sculpture by Georges van der Straeten bust of a man on green marble base
1 Louis 16 Secretary by E.Printz
Sugar pot in the model of a swan
Sugar pot in the model of a swan
sculpture of Napoleon
Sculpture of Napoleon
Napoleon III Sculpture of a man with a flute by E.Lequesne
Sculpture of a man with a flute by E.Lequesne
Napoleon III silver Centerpiece
juice jar
Juice jar
Art-deco Lamp
Dresden barock Corner cabinet with gilded bronze
Corner cabinet with gilded bronze
€ Sold
high 72cm
Louis 15 Small Liége table
Small Liége table
Louis 16 with putti,s Lamp
juice jar
Juice jar
Art-nouveau Sculpture of young lady signed Méllili
Sculpture of young lady signed Méllili
1 Louis 15 Cutleryset 137 pieces
Cutleryset 137 pieces
Belle epoque Silver box with Dutch scenes and 3 stamps
Silver box with Dutch scenes and 3 stamps
Centerpiece with flowers in 925 silver 520 gr
Centerpiece with flowers in 925 silver 520 gr
18è century clock
Napoleon III Sculpture of a dancing family with green marble base signed by Boizot 1786
Sculpture of a dancing family with green marble base signed by Boizot 1786
Sévres bonboniere in model off a egg with romantic scene
Sévres bonboniere in model off a egg with romantic scene
Hunting Decorative carved and patinated wall sculpture
Decorative carved and patinated wall sculpture
Alfred Bastien
Art-deco Tablelamp with Daum glass
Louis 16 Gilded display vitrine cabinet
Gilded display vitrine cabinet
Empire clock signes Thomire
Napoleon III Two door cabinet with flower marquetry and red marble top
Two door cabinet with flower marquetry and red marble top
A paire bronze appliques.
La verre Français signed big vase
Louis 16 Pedestal
A very big painting on a porcelain plate by Poitevin.
Napoleon III Porcelain box bonboniere with romantic scene
Porcelain box bonboniere with romantic scene
Belle epoque Centerpiece for nuts with a squirrel in silver
Centerpiece for nuts with a squirrel
Art-nouveau Buste of a lady "Mignon" by E.Villanis
Buste of a lady "Mignon" by E.Villanis
Belle epoque Sculpture of young pair by Goldschneider
Sculpture of young pair by Goldschneider
Louis 15 solid silver box inside with vermeille (gold plated)
Solid silver box inside with vermeille (gold plated)
Napoleon III Box/ bonbonniére signed Chateau des Tuileries
Box/ bonbonniére signed Chateau des Tuileries
La verre Français
signed by Luppens
22 "hunting trophee,s" Zeer mooie verzameling van jachttrofees
Zeer mooie verzameling van jachttrofees
Louis 15 Bench
1 Religious Church candelabra
Church candelabra
Very big Val st Lambert crystal vase
Louis 16 Display cabinet/ vitrine
Display cabinet/ vitrine
A huge painting by Henri Schouten of cows and farmer.
Box Sévres style
Napoleon III Sculpture of a deer, doe and fawn by Delabrière
Sculpture of a deer, doe and fawn by Delabrière
German stamps half moon and crown Solid silver centerpiece
Solid silver centerpiece
Napoleon III Sévres centerpiece coupe with romantic scene
Sévres centerpiece coupe with romantic scene
1 Louis 15 Cutleryset 137 pieces
Cutleryset 137 pieces
Napoleon 3 Pair Sévres vases
Pair Sévres vases
Art-nouveau Sculpture of a naked lady by C. Maerlin
Sculpture of a naked lady by C. Maerlin
A painting of cock and chickens by P. Schouten.
Napoleon III Piedestal colum
Piedestal colum
1 murano glass lamp
Murano glass lamp
Degué signed
1 pair gilded bronze Louis 16 style Candelsticks/brulle parfum
Candelsticks/brulle parfum
Julien le Roy
Louis 15 small Bench
Small Bench
A Russian painting signed by P. Volodin 1908
Pair bronze Louis 16 candelabra
Belle epoque Buste of a lady by Georges van der Straeten
Buste of a lady by Georges van der Straeten
Belle epoque Porcelain plate with romantic scene
Porcelain plate with romantic scene
A German 800 silver centerpiece.
A German silver centerpiece.
2 Napoleon 3 Sévres plates with romantic scenes
Sévres plates with romantic scenes
sculpture of a young smoking boy
Sculpture of a young smoking boy
High 48cm
A German painting of a lady in the water.
A pair bronze mirrors with candleholders.
Louis 16 Small round table
Small round table
Empire clock
Napoleon III Display cabinet vitrine
Display cabinet vitrine
A bronze Japanese vase.
A pair porcelain and bronze mounted vases.
Napoleon III Sculpture of "manneke pis" as Napoleon
Sculpture of "manneke pis" as Napoleon
1 plate
Napoleon III Pair solid 925 silver candelabra Weight 2083 gr.
Pair solid 925 silver candelabra Weight 2083 gr.
coffee and teaset signed E.Isler
Coffee and teaset signed E.Isler
Napoleon 3 Pair bronze sculptures "summer & winter"
Pair bronze sculptures "summer & winter"
A pair porcelain groups with music players and children.
A painting from a Belgium painter signed Sluyts.
A very nice huge Japanese bronze bowl.
Louis 15 Side board
Side board
Louis 15 Boulle cartel
Boulle cartel
Empire Clockset
Louis 15 Display cabinet
Display cabinet
A Sévres vase with gilded mounted bronze.
Belle epque Pair paintings by Henri Schouten of flowers
Pair paintings by Henri Schouten of flowers
Belle epoque, Sculpture of a putto
Sculpture of a putto
Napoleon III Sterling silver coffee and tea set 3300 gram
Sterling silver coffee and tea set 3300 gram
Cow milking pot 253 gr
Cow milking pot 253 gr
Sculpture of a farmer "the reaper" signed by O. De Beul 1881-1929
Sculpture of a farmer "the reaper" signed by O. De Beul 1881-1929
A oval gilded frame with a oil on canvas painting of a dog.
A white and gold Bohemian vase.
Louis 15 Cabinet
A wooden carved head of a cow with natural horns.
€ 375 euro
Napoleon III Clockset with cloisonnée champleuve
Clockset with cloisonnée champleuve
Napoleon III Boulle Cartel with tortoiseshell
Boulle Cartel with tortoiseshell
Louis 15 Franse deux-corps buffetkast
Franse deux-corps buffetkast
A very nice big Bohemian crystal punchbowl.
A very nice porcelain vase from Thuringen,Germany baround 1900.
A Japanese miniature furniture for thea.
Romantic Sculpture by A.Carli
Sculpture by A.Carli
Christofle vendome 111 pieces Cutleryset in original box
111 pieces Cutleryset in original box
2 Louis Philippe Pair candelabra
Pair candelabra
€ 425
Sculpture of a battle of two warriors
Sculpture of a battle of two warriors
A taxidermist of a deer.
A pair19 century Cantonese porcelain vases.
Painting of a farm by Jacques Douven 1908-2002 in gilded frame
Painting of a farm by Jacques Douven 1908-2002 in gilded frame
Transition Server table
Server table
A glass centerpiece by Schneider.
Napoleon III - Louis 16 Huge clock with putto,s by Boursier,eléve de Lepaute à Paris
Huge clock with putto,s by Boursier,eléve de Lepaute à Paris
Napoleon III Boulle clock
Boulle clock
A huge pair Legras signed art deco vases 65cm high.
Venitian,Napoleon III Piedestal
Marine Painting by Romain Steppe
Painting by Romain Steppe
A pair marble urns with gilded bronze NapIII
J.p.mene Sculpture of hunting dog,s
Sculpture of hunting dog,s
A pair Limoges porcelain vases with bronze around 1960.
Sculpture of 2 owls by Kurt Arentz
Sculpture of 2 owls by Kurt Arentz
A gilded mirror with a dragon
Napoleon 3 Romantic painting by A. Roosenboom 1845-1875 of 2 children
Romantic painting by A. Roosenboom 1845-1875 of 2 children
A porcelain centerpiece
Louis 15 Highly carved table and 6 chairs
Highly carved table and 6 chairs
A gallé vase.
Napoleon III Boulle Marquetry Inlaid Bombe Long Case grandfather Clock
Boulle Marquetry Inlaid Bombe Long Case grandfather Clock
Empire/Restoration pendule with a lady
Pendule with a lady
A Gallé cameo etched glass vase around 1904.
Louis 15 curved chest of drawers
Curved chest of drawers
verschillende maten en aantal lampen op stock!!!
bronze centerpiece with Vienna porcelaine plate
Napoleon 3 signed Fagioni Buste of a lady in gilded bronze and carrera marble
Buste of a lady in gilded bronze and carrera marble
sculpture of a lady in a carriage
Sculpture of a lady in a carriage
bronze sculpture
Bronze sculpture
A very nice centerpiece in opaline.
Napoleon III Huge clockset with hunter
Huge clockset with hunter
Huge Henry Deux cabinet
Huge cabinet
Napoleon III Clock pendule with Sévres porcelain
Clock pendule with Sévres porcelain
Liége Louis 15 Coffee table
Coffee table
centerpiece VAL ST LAMBERT model "BORODINE" with decor "DANSE DE FLORE" in fine 24 karat gold
Centerpiece VAL ST LAMBERT model "BORODINE" with decor "DANSE DE FLORE" in fine 24 karat gold
bronze sculpture by Glowacki
Bronze sculpture
Romantic signed M.Barry Porcelain plate
Porcelain plate
A pair Chinese vases around 1820.
Art-nouveau signed Decam Bronze patinated buste of a lady
Bronze patinated buste of a lady
Art-deco Lalique coupe "nemours"
Lalique coupe "nemours"
Alabaster coupe
Napoleon III Clockset with romantic scenes
Clockset with romantic scenes
Louis 15 Table
Louis 16 Gilded displaycabinet vitrine
Gilded displaycabinet vitrine
Napoleon III cloisonné Clockset with putti,s
Cloisonné Clockset with putti,s
Belle epoque Group with 12 people of the harvest
Group with 12 people of the harvest
sculpture of Napoleon
Sculpture of Napoleon
A bronze patinated sculpture of a lady with a putto.
Signed E.Ferard Painting on porcelain plate of a mother with child
Painting on porcelain plate of a mother with child
2 Art nouveau Vases signed Legras
Vases signed Legras
Napoleon III Clockset with cloisonné and cherub
Clockset with cloisonné and cherub
Louis 15 salontable coffeetable
Salontable coffeetable
Louis 16 Displaycabinet vitrine
Displaycabinet vitrine
Louis 16 Cartel wall clock
Cartel wall clock
Val Saint Lambert vase "Jupiter" with danse de flore scene
Val Saint Lambert vase "Jupiter" with danse de flore scene
A huge Rudolstadt porcelain groep of musicians.
A bronze sculpture of a warrior on a horse by Schmidt-felling.
A bronze sculpture of a soldier on a horse.
Belle epoque Huge centerpiece from J. Fischer Budapest
Huge centerpiece from J. Fischer Budapest
Art nouveau Vase signed D'Argental
Vase signed D'Argental
A gilded bronze lamp with 3 patinated cherubs.
Napoleon III Clockset
1 Transition Displaycabinet very high quality Napoleon3
Displaycabinet very high quality Napoleon3
Louis 16 Clockset with cherub
Clockset with cherub
Barock Longchair for child
Longchair for child
A bronze and ivory lamp with onyx shade by Schmidt-Felling.
Art-nouveau Gallé Vase
Gallé Vase
Guilded bronze and champleuve cloissoné centerpiece
A handpainted porcelain box.
€ Sold
VSL Val Saint Lambert coupe model "Borodine" Danse de flore
VSL Val Saint Lambert coupe model "Borodine" Danse de flore
A gilded and patinated bronze lamp with a putto.
Grunderzeit Dresden cabinet
Dresden cabinet
Napoleon 3 cartel Clock
cartel Clock
Napoleon III 3 pieces clockset
3 pieces clockset
Grunderzeit Bookcase displaycabinet
Bookcase displaycabinet
Art nouveau Vases signed Daum Nancy
Vases signed Daum Nancy
Bronze gilded pair candelabra around 1850
Belle epque Huge porcelain plate with a romantic scene
Huge porcelain plate with a romantic scene
A bronze buste of a lady by Van Der Straeten.
A buste of a lady by Jef Lambeaux.
Napoleon III Huge vase with romantic scene
Huge vase with romantic scene
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe with flowers and gilded decoration
Centerpiece coupe with flowers and gilded decoration
A huge Marie-Theresia lamp with 40 lamps.
Louis 15 Table
Napoleon III Cartel with turtoiseshell inlay
Cartel with turtoiseshell inlay
Louis 15 huge Clock pendule signed Ernest Royer F. de bronze
Huge Clock pendule signed Ernest Royer F. de bronze
Russian Louis 16 Very rare miniatur inlay cabinet
Very rare miniatur inlay cabinet
A gilded bronze lamp with cherubs and alabaster coupe.
A pair Asiatique ivory sculptures around 1880.
Art-nouveau Muller freres signed vase
Muller freres signed vase
A alabaster sculpture of a lady.
A very nice Japanese ,Satsuma centerpiece.
Carrera marble vase 107cm high
A nice Napoleon III black box with gilded bronze and porcelain by Giroux à Paris..
pair Sévres style vases with gilded bronze
Pair Sévres style vases with gilded bronze
Art-deco Centerpiece with fir cone by Verlux
Centerpiece with fir cone by Verlux
A bronze silver plated art-deco lamp.
Louis 16 Pair armchairs
Pair armchairs
Louis 15 Clockset with putti,s Napoleon 3
Clockset with putti,s Napoleon 3
Empire Clock pendule
Clock pendule
Napoleon III,in the manner of Topino marqueterie table
Marqueterie table
Louis 16 Lamp
Art nouveau Vases signed D'Argental
Vases signed D'Argental
Chinese vase with flowers and birds
Chinese vase with flowers and birds
A pair bronze appliques with porcelain plates.
Art-nouveau Huge vase with a boy and sheeps
Huge vase with a boy and sheeps
Art-nouveau Cameo glass vase by Daum Nancy with boats
Cameo glass vase by Daum Nancy with boats
Lamp and 2 sconces with crystal
Lamp and 2 sconces with crystal
A amber and silver necklace 380 grams.
Rengénce Chest of drawers
Chest of drawers
Napoleon 3 Sun clock
Sun clock
Louis 15 Hallstand
A huge silverplated and crystal bowl by WMF.
1 Art-deco Lamp by Degué.
Art-deco by Loraine vase
Belle epoque Group of musical people
Group of musical people
Chinese 18 century Qianlong Plate
18 century Qianlong Plate
Napoleon III Centerpiece/coupe
Louis 16 Sac a perle,lamp
Sac a perle,lamp
Louis 15 Napoleon III chest of drawwers
Napoleon III chest of drawwers
Empire Gilded clock pendule with butterfly and child
Gilded clock pendule with butterfly and child
Asiatique Clock with ivory made by Hour Lavigne
Clock with ivory made by Hour Lavigne
Rubens herdenkingmedailles
Rubens herdenkingmedailles
VSL Val Saint Lambert vase signed by Xavier Crespo number 170/200
VSL Val Saint Lambert vase signed by Xavier Crespo number 170/200
Belle epoque Lamp whit rose opaline drops
Lamp whit rose opaline drops
Bell epoque German Scheibe Alsbach porcelain group of a musical
German Scheibe Alsbach porcelain group of a musical
Signed Monaca
Bell epoque German Sitzendorf porcelain group "The 6 years old Mozart is playing piano by the empress Marie Theresia"
German Sitzendorf porcelain group "The 6 years old Mozart is playing piano by the empress Marie Theresia"
Napoleon III Jewel box with porcelain
Jewel box
Art-nouveau Cameo glass lamp signed by Muller freres
Cameo glass lamp signed by Muller freres
Napoleon 3 Boulle Sideboard
Napoleon III mantel clock by Emile Colin
Mantel clock by Emile Colin
Louis 16 Clock
1 Napoleon 3 Table
Floorlamp with putti,s
Floorlamp with putti,s
Pair canbelabra
Pair canbelabra
Napoleon III display rack
Display rack
Belle epoque porcelain Cachepot with romantic scene
Cachepot with romantic scene
102cm High signed by Ch Lebourg
A vase "dans le goute de Sevres" Sevres style.
Val Saint Lambert crystal coupe centerpiece "Borodine" with Danse de fleur
Val Saint Lambert crystal coupe centerpiece "Borodine" with Danse de fleur
Art-nouveau Table lamp
Table lamp
Louis 16 Fireplace screen
Fireplace screen
Napoleon 3 Huge 3 pieces clockset with angel and women in Louis 16 style
Huge 3 pieces clockset with angel and women in Louis 16 style
Signed Printz
Louis 15 Chest of drawers
Chest of drawers
Belle epoque Lamp with opaline
Lamp with opaline
Val Saint Lambert VSL vase with "danse de flore"
Val Saint Lambert VSL vase with "danse de flore"
Louis 16 Pedestal
Asiatique Huge Japanese Satsuma vase with cover
Huge Japanese Satsuma vase with cover
Chinese porcelain vase
Chinese porcelain vase
Bell epoque 6 hand cut Val Saint Lambert VSL crystal glasses in different colors
6 hand cut Val Saint Lambert VSL crystal glasses in different colors
Belle epoque Lamp with bleu opaline
Lamp with bleu opaline
1 Louis 15 style Chest of drawers
Chest of drawers
Chinese Cabinet
Louis 16 Pair sconses with putto,s playing on flutes
Pair sconses with putto,s playing on flutes
Renaisence Wall console
Wall console
Val Saint Lambert Jupiter vase "danse de flore"
Val Saint Lambert Jupiter vase "danse de flore"
J.P. Méne
Chinese porcelain vase with a bird
Chinese porcelain vase with a bird
Chinese porcelain vase
Chinese porcelain vase
Art-nouveau patinated bronze lamp with a bird
Patinated bronze lamp with a bird
Val Saint Lambert 6 glasses and carafe model Verrept
Val Saint Lambert 6 glasses and carafe model Verrept
Art-deco Table lamp with flowers
Table lamp with flowers
Louis Philippe Playtable
7 pieces Louis 16 Sofaset
Napoleon III Huge table lamp with 3 putto,s
Huge table lamp with 3 putto,s
Napoleon III Display tray
Display tray
caraf model Verrept de Val Saint Lambert
Caraf model Verrept de Val Saint Lambert
A bronze sculpture by L.Gregoire.
Chinese vase with Gheisa's
Chinese vase with Gheisa's
Chinese porcelain vase with Gheisa's
Chinese porcelain vase with Gheisa's
Napoleon III Italian pietra dura plate with semi-precious stones in gilded frame
Italian pietra dura plate with semi-precious stones in gilded frame
A bronze sculpture of a lady by A. Gaudez "étoile du matin"
Val Saint Lambert VSL vase with gilded scenes
Val Saint Lambert VSL vase with gilded scenes
Belle epoque Pair wall sconces
Pair wall sconces
Gotique Cabinet
Louis 15 style secretairy
Louis 16 Lamp
Louis 16 Small centerpiece
Small centerpiece
Art-nouveau Daum vase with enamel flowers
Daum vase with enamel flowers
A German,Dresden porcelain groep of 4 horses who pull a carriage.
1 Pair Dresden porcelain vases
Pair Dresden porcelain vases
A very nice alabaster and gilded spelter buste of a lady by Aurili.
Art-nouveau Gallé cameo glass vase with flowers
Gallé cameo glass vase with flowers
Napoleon III Hand glove box with tortoiseshell inlay
Hand glove box with tortoiseshell inlay
Belle epoque Lamp with 3 colors crystals
Lamp with 3 colors crystals
Louis 16 Lamp with 3 putti,s
Lamp with 3 putti,s
Napoleon III Huge gilded oval mirror with putto,s
Huge gilded oval mirror with putto,s
1 Russian bronze Vasili Grachev
Vasili Grachev
a monumental group of a musical family
A monumental group of a musical family
Chinese Bleu and white ginger jar
Bleu and white ginger jar
Empire Pair candelabra
Pair candelabra
1 Russian sculpture by Vasili Grachev
Vasili Grachev
Louis 16 Lamp whit crystal
Lamp whit crystal
Napoleon 3 Pair gilded bronze wall sconces with Sévres plates
Pair gilded bronze wall sconces with Sévres plates
Bruegel Carved wooden panel of a party
Carved wooden panel of a party
1 Art-nouveau Bronze patinated buste of a lady "Esmeralda" by Villanis.
Bronze patinated buste of a lady "Esmeralda" by Villanis.
Chinese celadon vase with a peacock
Chinese celadon vase with a peacock
Bronze sculpture of Guttenberg by A.Gaudez
Bronze sculpture of Guttenberg by A.Gaudez
Huge desk lighter Dupont
Huge desk lighter Dupont
Bell epoque Lamp with opaline drops
Lamp with opaline drops
Louis 15 Pair candelabra in gilded bronze
Pair candelabra
Regence Piedestal in carved oak
Bronze Sculpture of a horse
Bronze Sculpture of a horse
Mettlach big plate
A pair kobalt blue porcelain vases with gold decorated.
pair Vienna bronzes of birds
Pair Vienna bronzes of birds
Paire vases with cherubs
Paire vases with cherubs
Louis 16 Lantern lamp
Lantern lamp
Louis 15 Double desk
Double desk
Napoleon III Table lamp with 3 cherubs-putto,s
Table lamp with 3 cherubs-putto,s
Aziatisch Sculptuur van een os
Sculptuur van een os
1 Pair Imari vases
Pair Imari vases
Art-nouveau Sculpture buste of a lady by E. Villanis "Cendrilion"
Sculpture buste of a lady by E. Villanis "Cendrilion"
Bronze buste of a lady signed Pinedo
A Chinese porcelain vase.
alabaster sculpture
Chandelier style maison Charles with flowers
Chandelier style maison Charles with flowers
Englisch side board / vesselier
Louis 15 Silvered roccoco mirror
Silvered roccoco mirror
Belle epoque bronze vase with putto,s on red marble base
Bronze vase with putto,s on red marble base
Art-nouveau Buste of a lady "Tanagra" by E.Villanis
Buste of a lady "Tanagra" by E.Villanis
Belle epoque Huge vase with romantic scenes
Huge vase with romantic scenes
Napoleon III Centerpiece with cherubs
Centerpiece with cherubs
Louis 16 Gilded mirror
Gilded mirror
Miniature buste of a warrior by Leroy
Miniature buste of a warrior by Leroy
A young lady feeding chicks Sculpture with ivory by Henryk II Kossowski
Sculpture with ivory by Henryk II Kossowski
Huge Bell epoque centerpiece with cherubs
Huge centerpiece with cherubs
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe by A. Crokaert Bruxelles Schaerbeek
Centerpiece coupe by A. Crokaert Bruxelles Schaerbeek
Belle epoque,by E. Battialia Sculpture of a lady
Sculpture of a lady
Sculpture of Mozart by Marcel Debut
Sculpture of Mozart by Marcel Debut
Art-deco Pair oval mirrors
Pair oval mirrors
Russian silver icon with different stamps
Russian silver icon with different stamps
Napoleon III Miniature sculpture of 2 dogs by Delabrière
Miniature sculpture of 2 dogs by Delabrière
Chinese Sculpture of Shou lao
Sculpture of Shou lao
Napoleon 3 Oil lamp with gilded bronze
Oil lamp with gilded bronze
Louis 15 Gilded mirror with putto,s
Gilded mirror with putto,s
Asiatique Sculpture of a tree with animals
Sculpture of a tree with animals
Art-nouveau Sculpture by E.Villanis of a gipsy lady "Bohemienne"
Sculpture by E.Villanis of a gipsy lady "Bohemienne"
A Japanese bronze vase.
Napoleon 3 Centerpiece with a fisch
Centerpiece with a fisch
Asiatique Sculpture of Quan Yin in coral
Sculpture of Quan Yin
Signed G. Pickery for Gustave Pickery (1862-1921). Bronze buste of a lady"Brugghe"
Bronze buste of a lady"Brugghe"
Napoleon 3 Centerpiece coupe with cloisonné
Centerpiece coupe with cloisonné
Louis 16 Pair urns
Pair urns
Art-nouveau Bronze buste of a lady by E.Villanis
Bronze buste of a lady by E.Villanis
Napoleon III Huge sculpture by Nelson of a lady,s buste Fantasia and foudry stamp of H.Luppens
Huge sculpture by Nelson of a lady,s buste Fantasia and foudry stamp of H.Luppens
Napoleon III Make-up mirror with a monkey and cherubs
Make-up mirror with a monkey and cherubs
Napoleon III sculpture by C.Massonof a Fox looking after the rabbit
Sculpture by C.Massonof a Fox looking after the rabbit
A paire bronze patinated urns with putto,s.
alabaster sulpture of a lady by Carli
Alabaster sulpture of a lady
Napoleon 3 Cave à liqueur created with books
Cave à liqueur created with books
Louis 16 gilded mirror
Gilded mirror
Very rare Art-nouveau Sculpture by E.Villanis of a dancing girl
Sculpture by E.Villanis of a dancing girl
sculpture of a young boy write a book
Sculpture of a young boy write a book
Louis 16 huge Pair candelabra
Huge Pair candelabra
Asiatique Pair Japanese vases Meiji
Pair Japanese vases Meiji
Art-nouveau Pair vases with lady,s
Pair vases with lady,s
Napoleon III Sculpture by Drouot "Un message d'amour" a lady with a pigeon
Sculpture by Drouot "Un message d'amour" a lady with a pigeon
Barok Pair small consoles with personages
Pair small consoles with personages
Belle epque Vienna cold painted bronze ald alabaster centerpiece coupe with birds
Vienna cold painted bronze ald alabaster centerpiece coupe with birds
Art-nouveau Sculpture of a naked lady on a waterfall
Sculpture of a naked lady on a waterfall
Art-nouveau Buste of a lady by Brogi
Buste of a lady by Brogi
Chinese 4 panel roomscreen
Chinese 4 panel roomscreen
Louis 16 Fire place screen
Fire place screen
6 armchairs,2 banches,2 oval mirrors,1 paravon,1 jardinaire,console and mirror
Belle epoque Sculpture of a gipsy lady "Esmeralda" by E.Villanis
Sculpture of a gipsy lady "Esmeralda" by E.Villanis
Art-nouveau Lady buste by Nelson
Lady buste by Nelson
Lock signed Duvivier
Louis 16 Pair urns cassolets with heads of rams
Pair urns cassolets with heads of rams
Napoleon III Sculpture by I. Bonheur of a jockey
Sculpture by I. Bonheur of a jockey
Napoleon III Centerpiece
Art-nouveau Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis "Fille de Bohéme"
Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis "Fille de Bohéme"
fireplace in carved wood Germany
Sulpture by Auguste Moreau of a winged putto giving hand kisses
Sulpture by Auguste Moreau of a winged putto giving hand kisses
Napoleon 3 Sculpture of Mercury with Pandora signed by Faure de Brousse
Sculpture of Mercury with Pandora signed by Faure de Brousse
3 doors boulle cabinet around 1870
Napoleon 3 Sculpture by Hebert "playing hide and seek" on a marble base
Sculpture by Hebert "playing hide and seek" on a marble base
A huge Japanese centerpiece brule-parfum with birds
A huge Japanese centerpiece brule-parfum with birds
Hunting cabinet in oak
A highly carved table,desk and armchair by D.W. Beckerman te Arnhem.
Asiatique Japanese Meiji sculpture of a vase with dragons
Japanese Meiji sculpture of a vase with dragons
Napoleon 3 Sculpture of a lady with flowers by Bouret
Sculpture of a lady with flowers by Bouret
A 18 century "Hamburger shapp"
A highly carved table,desk around 1900.
Napoleon 3 Sculpture of Cleopatra by Cumberworth
Sculpture of Cleopatra by Cumberworth
Napoleon 3 Sculpture of Shakespeare by A.Capoy
Sculpture of Shakespeare by A.Capoy
A very nice marqueterie cabinet with gilded bronzes made by Kimbel and Friederichsen.
Kimbel and Friederichsen.
A very nice marqueterie cabinet with gilded bronzes made by Kimbel and Friederichsen.
Kimbel and Friederichsen.
Orient Sculpture of a Oriental man
Sculpture of a Oriental man
Napoleon III Sculpture by S.Kinsburger of a man with a violin
Sculpture by S.Kinsburger of a man with a violin
A very nice quality louis 16 style display cabinet with marquetry.
A music cabinet in rosewood and mounted bronzes.
Napoleon III Sculpture by Eugéne Laurent 1832-1898 of a lady what,s coming back from the sea on red marble base
Sculpture by Eugéne Laurent 1832-1898 of a lady what,s coming back from the sea on red marble base
Napoleon III Sculpture by Math. Moreau of a lady
Sculpture by Math. Moreau of a lady
A gilded carved wooden table with marble top.
A Napoleon III Louis 16 style cabinet probably by François Linke
François Linke
Napoleon III Sculpture of a young lady "La source" by E.Drouot
Sculpture of a young lady "La source" by E.Drouot
1 Sculpture of Jeanne D'arc
Sculpture of Jeanne D'arc
1 Louis 16 display cabinet
Display cabinet
Henry Deux
Sculpture of a farmer "the sower"signed by O. De Beul
Sculpture of a farmer "the sower"signed by O. De Beul
1 Art-nouveau Bronze buste of a lady
Bronze buste of a lady
Louis 16 Displaycabinet
1 Napoleon III Boulle 1-door cabinet with a white marble top
Boulle 1-door cabinet
Napoleon 3 Sculpture by Hippolyte Moreau "Captif"
Sculpture by Hippolyte Moreau "Captif"
Belle epoque Sculpture by R.Varnier of two dogg's "salon des beaux-arts 1923"
Sculpture by R.Varnier of two dogg's "salon des beaux-arts 1923"
Chinese Display cabinet
Display cabinet
Normandisch Armoire de marriage
Armoire de marriage
Bell epoque Sculpture "Quand méme" signed by A.Mercié and foundry stamp of F.Barbedienne fondeur Paris
Sculpture "Quand méme" signed by A.Mercié and foundry stamp of F.Barbedienne fondeur Paris
Art-nouveau Sculpture of a lady,s buste signed by Pugi
Sculpture of a lady,s buste signed by Pugi
Louis 16 gilded Mirror
1 Napoleon 3 Bonheur du jour,Boulle inlay
Bonheur du jour,Boulle inlay
Bell epoque Lady,s buste signed by Carli 1868-1930
Lady,s buste signed by Carli 1868-1930
Napoleon III Sculpture of a lady
Sculpture of a lady
Rokoko Displaycabinet vitrine
Displaycabinet vitrine
Louis 16 High quality bedroomset probaply F. Linke
High quality bedroomset probaply F. Linke
sculpture by G.Omert child with doll
Sculpture by G.Omert child with doll
Napoleon 3 Sculpture of a hunter by J.P.Méne
Sculpture of a hunter by J.P.Méne
Louis 15 Gilded displaycabinet vitrine
Gilded displaycabinet
Ile de France Wardrope
Bell epoque Sculpture of 2 girls
Sculpture of 2 girls
Signed with a V.1902 Miniature bronze sculpture of a monkey
Miniature bronze sculpture of a monkey
Louis 16 gilded and obusson tapisserie salonset 5 pieces
Gilded and obusson tapisserie salonset 5 pieces
Louis 16 Napoleon III periode Secretary whit marquetery and marble top
Secretary whit marquetery and marble top
Bronze patinated sculpture by L.Gregoire
Bronze patinated sculpture by L.Gregoire
A bronze sculpture of a lady with a lamp by Dumaige H 71cm.
Louis 16 Napoleon III periode 1 door Cabinet whit marquetery and marble top
1 door Cabinet whit marquetery and marble top
Louis 15 Displaycabinet vitrine with vernis-matin
Displaycabinet vitrine with vernis-matin
Belle epque Sculpture of a child with a butterfly by Vanel
Sculpture of a child with a butterfly by Vanel
Art-deco Sculpture of a dancing girl by E.Urbain
Sculpture of a dancing girl by E.Urbain
Napoleon III Lady,s desk in Boulle style
Lady,s desk in Boulle style
Louis 16 Display cabinet vitrine stamped in the lock
Display cabinet vitrine stamped in the lock
Sculpture by Barye of Theseus fighting centaur Bianor with foundry stamp F.Barbedienne
Sculpture by Barye of Theseus fighting centaur Bianor with foundry stamp F.Barbedienne
Belle epoque Buste of a lady "Lucréce" by E. Villanis with foundry stamp and number
Buste of a lady "Lucréce" by E. Villanis with foundry stamp and number
Louis 15 Cabinet painted with cherubs
Louis 15 Cabinet
galvano sculpture
Galvano sculpture
A bronze sculpture of a young boy with a guitar by Bouret.
Liége,regence Sideboard with marble top
Sideboard with marble top
Louis 15 Very nice quality Wiener barock cabinet
Very nice quality Wiener barock cabinet
Napoleon III Card play table with tortoiseshell in Boulle styl
Card play table with tortoiseshell in Boulle styl
Regénce One-door cabinet signed by Nullens J.
One-door cabinet signed by Nullens J.
Louis 15 Coffee table
Coffee table
Roccoco Pedestal stand with heads and flowers
Pedestal stand with heads and flowers
Travailleuse lady desk
Travailleuse lady desk
Louis 15 Pair armchairs
Pair armchairs
Napoleon III Boulle style 1 door cabinet
Boulle style 1 door cabinet
Napoleon III, Linke styl Display cabinet with curved glass
Display cabinet with curved glass
Louis 15 Diplaycabinet
Napoleon III cabinet with vernis-matin paintings
Cabinet with vernis-matin paintings
Louis 15, Liége Bar, tea cabinet on wheels
Bar, tea cabinet on wheels
Napoleon III Display cabinet with curved glass
Display cabinet with curved glass
Barock huge Gilded Italian table with marble top
Huge Gilded Italian table with marble top
1 Louis 16 Displaycabinet very high quality
Displaycabinet very high quality
Louis 15 Unusual cabinet with vernis matin paintings
Unusual cabinet with vernis matin paintings
Hunting style Bookcase
Asiatique Different Chinese flowerstands
Different Chinese flowerstands
Louis 16 display cabinet vitrine
Display cabinet vitrine
Barock Highly carved credence cabinet
Highly carved credence cabinet
Chinese Tea table
Tea table
Louis 15 Display cabinet with curved glass
Display cabinet with curved glass
Louis 15 Small bench with gilding
Small bench with gilding
Louis 15 Gilded console with marble top
Gilded console with marble top
Napoleon 3 Boulle 3 doors cabinet with tortoiseshell marquetry
Boulle 3 doors cabinet with tortoiseshell marquetry
Japanese miniatur display cabinet with ivory inlay
Japanese miniatur display cabinet with ivory inlay
Louis 15 Gilded mirror and console
Gilded mirror and console
A pair wrought iron consoles with marble top
A pair wrought iron consoles with marble top
Barock Dresden cabinet with gilded bronze and German porcelain plates
Dresden cabinet with gilded bronze and German porcelain plates
Napoleon III boulle "bonheur du jour" with toirtoiseshell inlay
Boulle "bonheur du jour" with toirtoiseshell inlay
Louis 15 Bergére armchair with nice quality carving
Bergére armchair with nice quality carving
Napoleon III Round table with marble top
Round table with marble top
Napoleon 3 Displaycabinet with vernis-matin
Displaycabinet with vernis-matin
Louis 15 nice carved One door display cabinet
Nice carved One door display cabinet
Napoleon 3 Exceptional one door cabinet in Boulle marquetry with different colors
Exceptional one door cabinet in Boulle marquetry with different colors
Louis 15 Display cabinet with curved glass
Display cabinet with curved glass
Louis 15 Small cabinet with vernis matin
Small cabinet with vernis matin
Napoleon 3 Display cabinet with curved glass and vernis-matin
Display cabinet with curved glass and vernis-matin
Louis 16 Pair bergéres armchairs
Pair bergéres armchairs
Louis 16 Very nice gilded display cabinet with curved glass
Very nice gilded display cabinet with curved glass
Louis 15 one door display cabinet vitrine
One door display cabinet vitrine
1 Liége Luikse vitrine kast 19de eeuw
Luikse vitrine kast 19de eeuw
Chinese Pair armchairs
Pair armchairs
Napoleon 3 Boulle "bonheur du jour" ladydesk
Boulle "bonheur du jour" ladydesk