Louis 15 silver Centerpiece 610g
Silver Centerpiece 610g
Highly quality carved Henri 2 credence cabinet
Highly quality carved Henri 2 credence cabinet
Louis 16 Lamp with crystals
Lamp with crystals
Napoleon 3 Sculpture by Hippolyte Moreau "Captif"
Sculpture by Hippolyte Moreau "Captif"
Art-nouveau Sculpture by E.Villanis of a lady,s buste with foundry stamp
Sculpture by E.Villanis of a lady,s buste with foundry stamp
Louis 16 Gilded display vitrine cabinet
Gilded display vitrine cabinet
Belle epque Pendule with cloisonné
Pendule with cloisonné
Napoleon III Box with bronze
Box with bronze
Belle epque Box with a romantic scene
Box with a romantic scene
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe 830 silver with hunting scene 275 gr
Centerpiece coupe 830 silver with hunting scene 275 gr
Mazerin Louis 16 Pair wall sconces
Pair wall sconces
Napoleon III Piedestal colum
Piedestal colum
Louis 15 small Bench
Small Bench
Napoleon III Display cabinet vitrine
Display cabinet vitrine
Hunting Barometer with animals and fruits
Barometer with animals and fruits
Louis 16 Display cabinet/ vitrine
Display cabinet/ vitrine
Louis 15 Cabinet
Napoleon III Boulle styl cartel clock
Boulle styl cartel clock
Napoleon III Centerpiece with cherubs
Centerpiece with cherubs
Belle epoque Sculpture by Mestais "woman with mask"
Sculpture by Mestais "woman with mask"
Louis 15 bronze Make-up or table mirror
Make-up or table mirror
Napoleon III Sculpture by A.Gaudez of a man
Sculpture by A.Gaudez of a man
Belle epoque Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis " Tanagra" with foundry stamp
Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis " Tanagra" with foundry stamp
Art-nouveau Sculpture of young lady signed Méllili
Sculpture of young lady signed Méllili
Art-nouveau Buste of a lady "Mignon" by E.Villanis
Buste of a lady "Mignon" by E.Villanis
Art-nouveau Buste of a lady "Mignon" by E.Villanis
Buste of a lady "Mignon" by E.Villanis
Louis 16 Gilded displaycabinet vitrine
Gilded displaycabinet vitrine
Belle epoque Buste of a lady by Georges van der Straeten
Buste of a lady by Georges van der Straeten
1 Transition Displaycabinet signed F.Linke
Displaycabinet signed F.Linke
bronze sculpture by Glowacki
Bronze sculpture
Napoleon 3 Pair Sévres vases
Pair Sévres vases
Transition F.Linke signed Displaycabinet
F.Linke signed Displaycabinet