Louis 15 Display cabinet 1 door vitrine
Display cabinet 1 door vitrine
Louis 15 Nice carved screen
Nice carved screen
Louis 15 pair benches
Pair benches
Louis 15 Nice carved display cabinet
Nice carved display cabinet
Miniature clock with precious stones and enamel
Miniature clock with precious stones and enamel
Miniature clock with musical box and precious stones, enamel
Miniature clock with musical box and precious stones, enamel
Bell epoque Pair romantic Royal Dux sculptures of horse riding couple
Pair romantic Royal Dux sculptures of horse riding couple
Belle epque Royal dux sculpture of farmers and cow
Royal dux sculpture of farmers and cow
Louis 15 Cabinet
Napoleon III Centerpiece with cherubs
Centerpiece with cherubs
Belle epoque Sculpture of young pair by Goldschneider
Sculpture of young pair by Goldschneider
Belle epoque Porcelain plate with romantic scene "Helias and Venus"
Porcelain plate with romantic scene "Helias and Venus"
Belle epoque Porcelain plate with "daughter of Eperus"
Porcelain plate with "daughter of Eperus"