Napoleon III 3 pairs of vases 56cm till 72cm and one centerpiece
3 pairs of vases 56cm till 72cm and one centerpiece
Art-nouveau Silver plated WMF centerpiece
Silver plated WMF centerpiece
Asiatique Turning centerpiece
Turning centerpiece
silver Centerpiece
Silver Centerpiece
Louis 15 silver Centerpiece 610g
Silver Centerpiece 610g
Art-nouveau Gallé signed centerpiece coupe in etched glass
Gallé signed centerpiece coupe in etched glass
Val Saint Lambert crystal coupe centerpiece
Val Saint Lambert crystal coupe centerpiece
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe with romantic scene
Centerpiece coupe with romantic scene
Belle epque Centerpiece
Louis Philippe Centerpiece
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe
Centerpiece coupe
Napoleon III Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Napoleon III Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe 830 silver with hunting scene 275 gr
Centerpiece coupe 830 silver with hunting scene 275 gr
Louis 16 Centerpiece coupe with etched crystal
Centerpiece coupe with etched crystal
centerpiece coupe
Centerpiece coupe
Louis 16 Centerpiece with cherub
Centerpiece with cherub
Napoleon III Centerpiece with cherubs
Centerpiece with cherubs
Meiji Japanese bronze centerpiece
Japanese centerpiece
Meiji Japanese bronze centerpiece
Japanese centerpiece
coupe centerpiece in crystal
Coupe centerpiece
Louis 16 solid silver Centerpiece with crystal
Centerpiece with crystal
Belle epoque Centerpiece
Art nouveau Centerpiece signed Daum,Nancy
Centerpiece signed Daum,Nancy
Art nouveau Centerpiece signed Daum,Nancy
Centerpiece signed Daum,Nancy
Art-deco Centerpiece signed Schneider
Centerpiece signed Schneider
Sévres centerpiece
Sévres centerpiece