Louis 15 Clockset
Napoleon III 3 pairs of vases 56cm till 72cm and one centerpiece
3 pairs of vases 56cm till 72cm and one centerpiece
Louis 16 Paravon room screen
Paravon room screen
boutcher table with marble top
Boutcher table with marble top
Louis 16 Armoire de mariage bruidskast
Armoire de mariage bruidskast
Louis 16 Lyra pendulum clock
Lyra pendulum clock
Napoleon III Pair chest of drawers with flowor marquetry and marble tops
Pair chest of drawers with flowor marquetry and marble tops
floor lamp with putti,s maison Jansen
Floor lamp with putti,s maison Jansen
Art-deco Lamp with pate de verre glass by Degué
Lamp with pate de verre glass by Degué
Napoleon III Set of 1 plate and 6 cups
Set of 1 plate and 6 cups
Napoleon III Gilded bronze and Sevres porcelain clockset
Gilded bronze and Sevres porcelain clockset
Napoleon III Sculpture of a boy who carries water
Sculpture of a boy who carries water
Napoleon III Desk or table with drawer and marquetry with bronzes
Desk or table with drawer and marquetry with bronzes
Napoleon III Piano with Boulle marquetry
Piano with Boulle marquetry
Napoleon 3 Sculpture of a lady by J. Obiole
Sculpture of a lady by J. Obiole
Napoleon 3 Cartel clock with console with tortoise shell marquetry
Cartel clock with console with tortoise shell marquetry
Louis 15 Napoleon III Display cabinet with curved glass and vernis-matin
Display cabinet with curved glass and vernis-matin
Napoleon 3 Pair Sevres style vases in porcelain de Parisby Jules Tieles
Pair Sevres style vases in porcelain de Parisby Jules Tieles
Napoleon 3 Pair cobalt bleu vases with romantic scenes
Pair cobalt bleu vases with romantic scenes
Napoleon 3 One door cabinet
One door cabinet
Art-deco 3 pieces clockset
3 pieces clockset
Napoleon 3 One door Boulle cabinet with tortoiseshell marquetry
One door Boulle cabinet with tortoiseshell marquetry
Napoleon 3 Sideboard with Sevres porcelain plate ,marquetry and gilded bronze
Sideboard with Sevres porcelain plate ,marquetry and gilded bronze
Renaisence Two doors carved cabinet
Two doors carved cabinet
Napoleon 3 Very high quality side board with marqetry and gilt bronze
Very high quality side board with marqetry and gilt bronze
Napoleon 3 Huge Sévres plate with a romantic scene
Huge Sévres plate with a romantic scene
Napoleon 3 A huge pair plates
A huge pair plates
Napoleon 3 Pair vases with gilt ormolu and romantic scenes
Pair vases with gilt ormolu and romantic scenes
pair patinated armchairs
Pair patinated armchairs
Napoleon 3 Huge oval mirror with putti,s
Huge oval mirror with putti,s
Miniature music box in gold with stone
Miniature music box in gold with stone
Napoleon 3 A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra by H.Picard
A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra by H.Picard
Empire Miniature pendule clock with a lady and child
Miniature pendule clock with a lady and child
Napoleon 3 Pair vases in cobalt blue and gilt decoration of flowers
Pair vases in cobalt blue and gilt decoration of flowers
Sévres set of 4 perfume bottle by Le Tallec
Sévres set of 4 perfume bottle by Le Tallec
Louis 16 Pair sconses
Pair sconses
Napoleon 3 Bowl and plate
Bowl and plate
Barock Nice carved pedestal with child
Nice carved pedestal with child
table lamp with a faun
Table lamp with a faun
Napoleon 3 Two urns on griot marble base
Two urns on griot marble base
Napoleon 3 Sculpture of a sleeping lady by J. Cavelier and Barbedienne foundry stamp
Sculpture of a sleeping lady by J. Cavelier and Barbedienne foundry stamp
Napoleon 3 Sideboard with flowers marquetry
Sideboard with flowers marquetry
Bell epoque Pair armchairs
Pair armchairs
Empire Miniature pendule clock with a lady and child
Miniature pendule clock with a lady and child
Art-nouveau Nice cameo glass etched vase with a landscape
Nice cameo glass etched vase with a landscape
Napoleon 3 Sewing table
Sewing table
Louis 15 Fire place screen
Fire place screen
Louis 15 "travailleuse " chest scuptured on 4 sides
"travailleuse " chest scuptured on 4 sides
Napoleon 3 Exceptional one door cabinet in Boulle marquetry with different colors
Exceptional one door cabinet in Boulle marquetry with different colors
Napoleon 3 Sculpture of a lady
Sculpture of a lady
Louis 15 Display cabinet with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes
Display cabinet with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes
Art-nouveau erotic sculpture of a naked lady by Philipp
Erotic sculpture of a naked lady by Philipp
Louis 16 Napoleon 3 Desk table with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes
Desk table with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes
Louis 16 Oil lamp with Sévres porcelain
Oil lamp with Sévres porcelain
Art-nouveau Opalescent glass vase with putti signed Cros
Opalescent glass vase with putti signed Cros
Renaisence Pendule
Louis 15 Candelabra
Louis 16 Pair appliques
Pair appliques
Louis 15 Huge baldachin
Huge baldachin
Highly quality carved Henri 2 credence cabinet
Highly quality carved Henri 2 credence cabinet
Napoleon 3 Sculpture by Hebert "playing hide and seek" on a marble base
Sculpture by Hebert "playing hide and seek" on a marble base
Art-nouveau Gallé signed centerpiece coupe in etched glass
Gallé signed centerpiece coupe in etched glass
Napoleon 3 Sculpture by E. Picault
Sculpture by E. Picault
Art-nouveau Lamp in wrought iron and Viane signed glass
Lamp in wrought iron and Viane signed glass
Louis 16 Lamp
Louis 16 Lamp with crystals
Lamp with crystals
Louis 16 Pair wall sconses
Pair wall sconses
Bell epoque Lamp with blue opaline drops
Lamp with blue opaline drops
Art-deco Lamp with opalescent glass
Lamp with opalescent glass
Napoleon 3 Sculpture by Hippolyte Moreau "Captif"
Sculpture by Hippolyte Moreau "Captif"
Louis 16 Napoleon 3 display cabinet with gilded bronze and marble top
Napoleon 3 display cabinet with gilded bronze and marble top
Napoleon 3 cartel Clock
cartel Clock
Bell epoque Sculpture of a farmer lady signed by Comein
Sculpture of a farmer lady signed by Comein
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe with romantic scene
Centerpiece coupe with romantic scene
Napoleon III Pair light blue vases with flower decorations
Pair light blue vases with flower decorations
Barock Painting of a mother with child
Painting of a mother with child
Napoleon III Display cabinet with curved glass and marble top
Display cabinet with curved glass and marble top
Belle epque Centerpiece
Napoleon III Pair pastel portraits
Pair pastel portraits
Napoleon III Sculpture of a pipe smoking boy signed by Melane
Sculpture of a pipe smoking boy signed by Melane
Louis Philippe Centerpiece
Empire Pendule
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe
Centerpiece coupe
Art-nouveau mirror
Art-nouveau Sculpture by E.Villanis of a lady,s buste with foundry stamp
Sculpture by E.Villanis of a lady,s buste with foundry stamp
Art-nouveau Pair candelabra in wrought iron stamped JH
Pair candelabra in wrought iron stamped JH
Napoleon III Sculptures of a angel cherub by H. Giraud "Il Bat"
Sculptures of a angel cherub by H. Giraud "Il Bat"
Napoleon III cloisonné Clockset with putti,s
Cloisonné Clockset with putti,s
Louis 16 Gilded display vitrine cabinet
Gilded display vitrine cabinet
Napoleon III Two door cabinet with flower marquetry and red marble top
Two door cabinet with flower marquetry and red marble top
Belle epque Pendule with cloisonné
Pendule with cloisonné
Charles X restauration Pendule clock "bibliothéque"
Pendule clock "bibliothéque"
Napoleon III Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Art-nouveau Gallé cameo glass vase with flowers
Gallé cameo glass vase with flowers
Napoleon III Box with bronze
Box with bronze
Belle epque Box with a romantic scene
Box with a romantic scene
Charles X restauration Pendule clock "bibliothéque"
Pendule clock "bibliothéque"
Napoleon III Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Napoleon III Glass pendule clock with cloisonné champleuve
Glass pendule clock with cloisonné champleuve
€ glass pendule clock with cloisonné champleuve
Art-deco Daum Nancy etched vase
Daum Nancy etched vase
Napoleon III cage clock by L.Leroy & Cie à Paris
Cage clock by L.Leroy & Cie à Paris
Mazerin Louis 16 Pair wall sconces
Pair wall sconces
Louis 15 Pair fireplace inserts with cherubs putto,s
Pair fireplace inserts with cherubs putto,s
Louis 16 Centerpiece coupe with etched crystal
Centerpiece coupe with etched crystal
Napoleon III Sculpture by barey fils of a harlequin with a dancing poodle
Sculpture by barey fils of a harlequin with a dancing poodle
Napoleon III Piedestal colum
Piedestal colum
Napoleon III Sculpture by Guillemin of Napoleon
Sculpture by Guillemin of Napoleon
Louis 15 small Bench
Small Bench
Napoleon III Sculpture by C.Masson of a young bird playind with a snail
Sculpture by C.Masson of a young bird playind with a snail
Napoleon III Display cabinet vitrine
Display cabinet vitrine
Hunting Barometer with animals and fruits
Barometer with animals and fruits
Louis 16 Small round table
Small round table
Art-nouveau Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis " fille d'eve" with foundry stamp
Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis " fille d'eve" with foundry stamp
Napoleon III Clockset with Sevrés porcelain
Clockset with Sevrés porcelain
Napoleon III Pair sculptures by Lalouette "the end of cockfight" the winner and the loser
Pair sculptures by Lalouette "the end of cockfight" the winner and the loser
Louis 15 Franse deux-corps buffetkast
Franse deux-corps buffetkast
Napoleon III Boulle styl cartel clock
Boulle styl cartel clock
Louis Philippe Clock pendule
Clock pendule
Louis 16 Centerpiece with cherub
Centerpiece with cherub
Napoleon III Scculpture by Maubach of a farmer lady
Scculpture by Maubach of a farmer lady
Art-deco Sculpture of a oriental dancing lady by Omerth
Sculpture of a oriental dancing lady by Omerth
Napoleon III huge Clock with a woman and child signed by Popon
Huge Clock with a woman and child signed by Popon
Belle epoque Sculpture by H. Sécarel of a man with ivory face
Sculpture by H. Sécarel of a man with ivory face
Louis 15 Floorlamp
Belle epoque Sculpture by Mestais "woman with mask"
Sculpture by Mestais "woman with mask"
coupe centerpiece in crystal
Coupe centerpiece
Louis 15 bronze Make-up or table mirror
Make-up or table mirror
Napoleon III Sculpture by A.Gaudez of a man
Sculpture by A.Gaudez of a man
Napoleon III Sculpture of lady
Sculpture of lady
Napoleon III Card play table with tortoiseshell in Boulle styl
Card play table with tortoiseshell in Boulle styl
Belle epoque Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis " Tanagra" with foundry stamp
Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis " Tanagra" with foundry stamp
Napoleon III Sculpture signed by Andreas of Diana on marble base
Sculpture signed by Andreas of Diana on marble base
Napoleon III Sculpture by Georges van der Straeten bust of a man on green marble base
Sculpture by Georges van der Straeten bust of a man on green marble base
Louis 16 Paravon roomscreen
Paravon roomscreen
Art-nouveau Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis " fille d'eve" with foundry stamp
Sculpture of a lady,s buste by E. Villanis " fille d'eve" with foundry stamp
Napoleon III Sculpture of a man with a flute by E.Lequesne
Sculpture of a man with a flute by E.Lequesne
Art-nouveau Sculpture of young lady signed Méllili
Sculpture of young lady signed Méllili
Art-nouveau Buste of a lady "Mignon" by E.Villanis
Buste of a lady "Mignon" by E.Villanis
Christofle cutlery set 77 pieces
Christofle cutlery set 77 pieces
Napoleon III Briefopener and stamp with enamel
Briefopener and stamp
Napoleon III Sculpture of a dancing family with green marble base signed by Boizot 1786
Sculpture of a dancing family with green marble base signed by Boizot 1786
Art-nouveau Buste of a lady "Mignon" by E.Villanis
Buste of a lady "Mignon" by E.Villanis
Regénce A pair gilded bronze appliques "Mazarin"
A pair gilded bronze appliques "Mazarin"
Belle epoque Lamp with 3 colors crystals
Lamp with 3 colors crystals
Belle epoque Lamp with bleu opaline
Lamp with bleu opaline
Electric bulle clock with Chinoisery
Electric bulle clock with Chinoisery
Napoleon III Sculpture of a deer, doe and fawn by Delabrière
Sculpture of a deer, doe and fawn by Delabrière
Louis 16 Gilded displaycabinet vitrine
Gilded displaycabinet vitrine
Louis 16 Lamp in havy quality
Lamp in havy quality
Belle epoque Lamp whit crystals
Lamp whit crystals
12 Louis 15 Dessertspoons of Christofle
Dessertspoons of Christofle
10 silverplated plates of Christofle
Silverplated plates of Christofle
Belle epoque Buste of a lady by Georges van der Straeten
Buste of a lady by Georges van der Straeten
Napoleon III Boulle mirror
Boulle mirror
Louis 16 display cabinet vitrine
Display cabinet vitrine
bronze Sculpture of 2 children by A.Poitevin
Sculpture of 2 children
Napoleon III Sévres porcelain box with romantic scene in park
Sévres porcelain box with romantic scene in park
sculpture of a young smoking boy
Sculpture of a young smoking boy
1 Louis 16 Gilded bronze lamp
Gilded bronze lamp
1 Transition Displaycabinet signed F.Linke
Displaycabinet signed F.Linke
Sculpture of 2 children
Sculpture of 2 children
Belle epoque, Sculpture of a putto
Sculpture of a putto
Napoleon 3 Displaycabinet with vernis-matin
Displaycabinet with vernis-matin
Napoleon III Pair Sévres vases
Pair Sévres vases
Sculpture of a battle of two warriors
Sculpture of a battle of two warriors
Regence Lamp / luster
Lamp / luster
Hunting Brienzer - black forest clockset
Brienzer - black forest clockset
Louis 16 Pedestal
Regence Lamp / luster
Lamp / luster
Sculpture of a battle of two warriors
Sculpture of a battle of two warriors
Louis Philippe Gilded clock
Gilded clock
Louis 16 Pair armchairs
Pair armchairs
Napoleon III,in the manner of Topino marqueterie table
Marqueterie table
Louis 15 Napoleon III chest of drawwers
Napoleon III chest of drawwers
Art deco vase
1 Pair vases
Pair vases
Huge Henry Deux cabinet
Huge cabinet
Louis Philippe Pair appliques
Pair appliques
1 Pair tablelamps with crystal
Pair tablelamps
Sévres plate with romantic scene
Sévres plate with romantic scene
bronze sculpture
Bronze sculpture
Art-nouveau signed Decam Bronze patinated buste of a lady
Bronze patinated buste of a lady
Napoleon 3 Boulle Sideboard
1 Art nouveau Gallé etched glass vase
Gallé etched glass vase
sculpture of Napoleon
Sculpture of Napoleon
sculpture of Napoleon
Sculpture of Napoleon
1 Art nouveau Gallé etched glass vase
Gallé etched glass vase
1 Louis 16 Gilded bronze lamp
Gilded bronze lamp
Louis 16 Gilded bronze lamp with putto,s
Gilded bronze lamp with putto,s
bronze Sculpture of 2 children by A.Poitevin
Sculpture of 2 children
1 pair gilded bronze Louis 16 style Candelsticks/brulle parfum
Candelsticks/brulle parfum
1 Louis 16 Secretary by E.Printz
1 Art-deco Legras vase
Legras vase
Art nouveau Moda signed Vase
Moda signed Vase
€ € 375
Sévres vase with romantic scene by Eug. Farel
Sévres vase with romantic scene by Eug. Farel
Art nouveau Centerpiece signed Daum,Nancy
Centerpiece signed Daum,Nancy
Art nouveau Centerpiece signed Daum,Nancy
Centerpiece signed Daum,Nancy
huge bronze Lamp with crystals
Huge bronze Lamp with crystals
Art-deco Centerpiece signed Schneider
Centerpiece signed Schneider
Napoleon 3 Pair Sévres vases
Pair Sévres vases
Sévres centerpiece
Sévres centerpiece
1 Napoleon 3 Table
Louis 16 Lamp
Louis 16 Lamp
Empire Lamp
1 Transition Displaycabinet very high quality Napoleon3
Displaycabinet very high quality Napoleon3
Art-deco Lamp
Louis 16 Lamp
Bagues Pair sconces
Pair sconces
1 Louis 15 style Chest of drawers
Chest of drawers
Napoleon 3 Pair Sévres porcelain vases
Pair Sévres porcelain vases
Napoleon 3 A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra by H.Picard
A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra by H.Picard
Art-deco Lamp
Travel clock
Travel clock
Art-deco Tablelamp with Daum glass
Louis Philippe Playtable
7 pieces Louis 16 Sofaset
Transition F.Linke signed Displaycabinet
F.Linke signed Displaycabinet
Art nouveau Vase signed Gallé
Vase signed Gallé
Louis 16 Clock