Hunting Black forest juwel box
Black forest juwel box
Art-nouveau Silver plated WMF centerpiece
Silver plated WMF centerpiece
Louis 15 silver Centerpiece 610g
Silver Centerpiece 610g
German 835 silver plate with romantic scene of putti,s
German 835 silver plate with romantic scene of putti,s
Silver plate with a hunting scene 275gram
Silver plate with a hunting scene 275gram
Bell epoque romantic pair Meissen porcelain sculptures
Romantic pair Meissen porcelain sculptures
Meissen porcelain lamp with putti,s and flowers
Meissen porcelain lamp with putti,s and flowers
Dresden barock Corner cabinet with gilded bronze
Corner cabinet with gilded bronze
Belle epoque Huge vase with romantic scenes
Huge vase with romantic scenes
Hunting style Black forest sculpture
Black forest sculpture
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe 830 silver with hunting scene 275 gr
Centerpiece coupe 830 silver with hunting scene 275 gr
coupe with cherubs putti,s
Coupe with cherubs putti,s
Art-nouveau Sculpture of a naked lady by C. Maerlin
Sculpture of a naked lady by C. Maerlin
Barock Longchair for child
Longchair for child
juice jar
Juice jar
juice jar
Juice jar
Belle epoque Centerpiece
Grunderzeit Dresden cabinet
Dresden cabinet
Grunderzeit Bookcase displaycabinet
Bookcase displaycabinet
Sculpture of 2 owls by Kurt Arentz
Sculpture of 2 owls by Kurt Arentz