Louis 15 style chest of drawers in oak
Louis 15 Clockset
Louis 15 Display cabinet 1 door vitrine
Display cabinet 1 door vitrine
Louis 15 Nice carved screen
Nice carved screen
Louis 15 pair benches
Pair benches
Louis 15 Nice carved display cabinet
Nice carved display cabinet
Louis 15 Liege Corner cabinet
Liege Corner cabinet
Louis 15 Display cabinet 1 door vitrine
Display cabinet 1 door vitrine
Louis 15 Napoleon III Display cabinet with curved glass and vernis-matin
Display cabinet with curved glass and vernis-matin
Louis 15 Fire place screen
Fire place screen
Louis 15 "travailleuse " chest scuptured on 4 sides
"travailleuse " chest scuptured on 4 sides
Louis 15 Display cabinet with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes
Display cabinet with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes
Louis 15 Candelabra
Louis 15 silver Centerpiece 610g
Silver Centerpiece 610g
Louis 15 Huge baldachin
Huge baldachin
Louis 15 Lamp with 3 putti,s and brown glass shapes
Lamp with 3 putti,s and brown glass shapes
Louis 15 Highly carved Liége discplay cabinet vitrine
Highly carved Liége discplay cabinet vitrine
Louis 15 Small Liége table
Small Liége table
Louis 15 Pair fireplace inserts with cherubs putto,s
Pair fireplace inserts with cherubs putto,s
Louis 15 Bench
Louis 15 small Bench
Small Bench
Louis 15 Side board
Side board
Louis 15 Display cabinet
Display cabinet
Louis 15 Cabinet
Louis 15 Franse deux-corps buffetkast
Franse deux-corps buffetkast
Louis 15 Floorlamp
Louis 15 bronze Make-up or table mirror
Make-up or table mirror
Louis 15 Highly carved table and 6 chairs
Highly carved table and 6 chairs
Louis 15 curved chest of drawers
Curved chest of drawers
Liége Louis 15 Coffee table
Coffee table
Louis 15 Table
Louis 15 salontable coffeetable
Salontable coffeetable
12 Louis 15 Dessertspoons of Christofle
Dessertspoons of Christofle
Louis 15 Table
Louis 15 Clockset in gilded bronze "Compagnie des bronze Bruxelles"
Clockset in gilded bronze "Compagnie des bronze Bruxelles"
Louis 15 Table
Louis 15 Hallstand
Louis 15 Napoleon III chest of drawwers
Napoleon III chest of drawwers
1 Louis 15 Mirror
Louis 15 Chest of drawers
Chest of drawers
1 Louis 15 style Chest of drawers
Chest of drawers
Louis 15 style secretairy
Louis 15 Double desk
Double desk