Napoleon III cabinet with marquetry and fine quality gilded bronze
Nice bronze gilded inkwell by signed Ramboud and Susse Frères
Louis 15 Clockset
Louis 16 Lyra pendulum clock
Lyra pendulum clock
floor lamp with putti,s maison Jansen
Floor lamp with putti,s maison Jansen
Napoleon III Gilded bronze and Sevres porcelain clockset
Gilded bronze and Sevres porcelain clockset
Napoleon 3 Cartel clock with console with tortoise shell marquetry
Cartel clock with console with tortoise shell marquetry
Napoleon 3 One door Boulle cabinet with tortoiseshell marquetry
One door Boulle cabinet with tortoiseshell marquetry
Napoleon 3 Sideboard with Sevres porcelain plate ,marquetry and gilded bronze
Sideboard with Sevres porcelain plate ,marquetry and gilded bronze
Napoleon 3 Pair vases with gilt ormolu and romantic scenes
Pair vases with gilt ormolu and romantic scenes
Napoleon 3 A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra by H.Picard
A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra by H.Picard
Empire Miniature pendule clock with a lady and child
Miniature pendule clock with a lady and child
Louis 16 Pair sconses
Pair sconses
Empire Miniature pendule clock with a lady and child
Miniature pendule clock with a lady and child
Napoleon 3 Sewing table
Sewing table
Louis 15 Display cabinet with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes
Display cabinet with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes
Louis 16 Napoleon 3 Desk table with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes
Desk table with flower marquetry and gilded bronzes
Louis 16 Oil lamp with Sévres porcelain
Oil lamp with Sévres porcelain
Louis 16 Pair appliques
Pair appliques
Napoleon 3 Sculpture by Hebert "playing hide and seek" on a marble base
Sculpture by Hebert "playing hide and seek" on a marble base
Louis 16 Lamp
Louis 16 Lamp with crystals
Lamp with crystals
Louis 16 Pair wall sconses
Pair wall sconses
Bell epoque Round lantern hallamp
Round lantern hallamp
Louis 15 Lamp with 3 putti,s and brown glass shapes
Lamp with 3 putti,s and brown glass shapes
Louis 16 Napoleon 3 display cabinet with gilded bronze and marble top
Napoleon 3 display cabinet with gilded bronze and marble top
Napoleon 3 cartel Clock
cartel Clock
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe with romantic scene
Centerpiece coupe with romantic scene
Napoleon III Pair light blue vases with flower decorations
Pair light blue vases with flower decorations
Napoleon III Display cabinet with curved glass and marble top
Display cabinet with curved glass and marble top
Dresden barock Corner cabinet with gilded bronze
Corner cabinet with gilded bronze
Empire Pendule
Napoleon III Centerpiece coupe
Centerpiece coupe
Art-nouveau mirror
Napoleon III cloisonné Clockset with putti,s
Cloisonné Clockset with putti,s
Napoleon III Two door cabinet with flower marquetry and red marble top
Two door cabinet with flower marquetry and red marble top
Charles X restauration Pendule clock "bibliothéque"
Pendule clock "bibliothéque"
Napoleon III Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Charles X restauration Pendule clock "bibliothéque"
Pendule clock "bibliothéque"
Napoleon III Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Sévres porcelain centerpiece coupe with a romantic scene
Napoleon III Glass pendule clock with cloisonné champleuve
Glass pendule clock with cloisonné champleuve
€ glass pendule clock with cloisonné champleuve
Napoleon III cage clock by L.Leroy & Cie à Paris
Cage clock by L.Leroy & Cie à Paris
Mazerin Louis 16 Pair wall sconces
Pair wall sconces
Louis 15 Pair fireplace inserts with cherubs putto,s
Pair fireplace inserts with cherubs putto,s
Louis 16 Centerpiece coupe with etched crystal
Centerpiece coupe with etched crystal
Napoleon III Display cabinet vitrine
Display cabinet vitrine
Napoleon III Pair sculptures by Lalouette "the end of cockfight" the winner and the loser
Pair sculptures by Lalouette "the end of cockfight" the winner and the loser
Napoleon III Boulle styl cartel clock
Boulle styl cartel clock
Louis Philippe Clock pendule
Clock pendule
Louis 16 Centerpiece with cherub
Centerpiece with cherub
Napoleon III Centerpiece with cherubs
Centerpiece with cherubs
Louis 15 Floorlamp
coupe centerpiece in crystal
Coupe centerpiece
Napoleon III Jardinaire stamped by Cie des bronze Bruxelles
Jardinaire stamped by Cie des bronze Bruxelles
Napoleon III Card play table with tortoiseshell in Boulle styl
Card play table with tortoiseshell in Boulle styl
A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra whit putto,s signed by H.Picard
Napoleon III Briefopener and stamp with enamel
Briefopener and stamp
Regénce A pair gilded bronze appliques "Mazarin"
A pair gilded bronze appliques "Mazarin"
Belle epoque Lamp with 3 colors crystals
Lamp with 3 colors crystals
Belle epoque Lamp with bleu opaline
Lamp with bleu opaline
Louis 16 Lamp in havy quality
Lamp in havy quality
Belle epoque Lamp whit crystals
Lamp whit crystals
Napoleon III Piedestal in bicolor marble
Piedestal in bicolor marble
Napoleon III Boulle mirror
Boulle mirror
Louis 16 display cabinet vitrine
Display cabinet vitrine
Napoleon III Sculpture of "manneke pis" as Napoleon
Sculpture of "manneke pis" as Napoleon
1 Louis 16 Gilded bronze lamp
Gilded bronze lamp
1 Transition Displaycabinet signed F.Linke
Displaycabinet signed F.Linke
Louis 15 Clockset in gilded bronze "Compagnie des bronze Bruxelles"
Clockset in gilded bronze "Compagnie des bronze Bruxelles"
Napoleon 3 Displaycabinet with vernis-matin
Displaycabinet with vernis-matin
Regence Lamp / luster
Lamp / luster
Regence Lamp / luster
Lamp / luster
Louis Philippe Gilded clock
Gilded clock
Louis 15 Napoleon III chest of drawwers
Napoleon III chest of drawwers
Louis Philippe Pair appliques
Pair appliques
1 Pair tablelamps with crystal
Pair tablelamps
Napoleon 3 Boulle Sideboard
1 Louis 16 Gilded bronze lamp
Gilded bronze lamp
Louis 16 Gilded bronze lamp with putto,s
Gilded bronze lamp with putto,s
1 pair gilded bronze Louis 16 style Candelsticks/brulle parfum
Candelsticks/brulle parfum
A Sienna marble and gilded bronze clock around 1900.
A Sévres lamp on a gilded bronze base.
Sévres centerpiece
Sévres centerpiece
Empire Lamp
Napoleon 3 Pair Sévres porcelain vases
Pair Sévres porcelain vases
A pair marble urns with gilded bronze NapIII
Napoleon 3 A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra by H.Picard
A large pair of gilded and patinated bronze candelabra by H.Picard
Transition F.Linke signed Displaycabinet
F.Linke signed Displaycabinet
Louis 16 Clock