Napoleon III Buste of a lady on a green marble base
Buste of a lady on a green marble base
Napoleon III Sculpture by barey fils of a harlequin with a dancing poodle
Sculpture by barey fils of a harlequin with a dancing poodle
Napoleon III Sculpture by Guillemin of Napoleon
Sculpture by Guillemin of Napoleon
Napoleon III Scculpture by Maubach of a farmer lady
Scculpture by Maubach of a farmer lady
Art-deco Sculpture of a oriental dancing lady by Omerth
Sculpture of a oriental dancing lady by Omerth
Napoleon III Sculpture of lady
Sculpture of lady
Napoleon III Sculpture signed by Andreas of Diana on marble base
Sculpture signed by Andreas of Diana on marble base
Napoleon III Sculpture by Georges van der Straeten bust of a man on green marble base
Sculpture by Georges van der Straeten bust of a man on green marble base
Napoleon III Sculpture of a dancing family with green marble base signed by Boizot 1786
Sculpture of a dancing family with green marble base signed by Boizot 1786
Art-nouveau Sculpture of a naked lady by C. Maerlin
Sculpture of a naked lady by C. Maerlin